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This ones REALLY long!
-It's your birthday (probably not but imagine because that's what this book is)
-It's morning and you just woke up
Your POV.
You have semi butterflies in your stomach because you have no idea what the guys have planned for today. You don't even know if they remember that today is your birthday. You put some decent looking clothes on and walk out into the living room with a smirk and everyone is just talking. You sit on the couch and wait for something to happen, but nothing does.
  You start to get a little bit annoyed so you look at Woozi pissed off ishly. He glances over at you and sees that you are mad and asks "Whats wrong babe?" "Wow" you think to yourself. He really didn't remember. "That's it!!" You yell. Everyone turns and looks at you as you get up and storm out of the dorm. "WAIT!!" You can hear Woozi yell but you're not gonna go back. You're beyond mad
  You can't BELIEVE that your boyfriend forgot your birthday! You've been together for a year now! (lol big jump from last ch. huh) You expected more from him. You get in your car and slam the door. You see a figure moving towards the car from your right. You look over and see that it's Woozi. You press on the gas and speed out of the parking lot.
  You can't go anywhere crowded, people know who you are! You've been getting some publicity because youre Woozis girlfriend. Tears falling down your face, not dressed really good, you're just a big big mess, so you can't go anywhere crowded. Pictures might get out. So you decide to go to your favorite little cafe downtown. It's not really crowded there.
  As soon as you walk into the room the lady that works the cashier, her name is Kim Soonha, you've been friends ever since you've started coming to this cafe, runs up to you, hugs you, and says "HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Y/N!" "Wow" You think to yourself "She remembers my birthday and my boyfriend doesn't..."
  "Why do you look so sad? It's your birthday! Cheer up!" She says to you. "Well... Jihoon forgot my birthday." You reply. You never call him jihoon so as soon as jihoon came out of your mouth she knew something was up. "What? No!" She protests. You just nod your head and tears begin to stream down your face.
  She hugs you tight and says "Aww no y/n! It's ok! It'll come to him." You wipe away your tears and she takes your order.
  You both sit down at a table and share some small talk as you try to calm yourself down. You're not really sure if you're mad or sad. It feels like both and it's a new feeling to you, it feels pretty weird.
  "Well I should get going now." You say. "Where are you gonna go? You're mad at Woozi." She replies. "Well, I'm gonna have to go back there sometime. It's where I live. Maybe I'll run by the grocery store and treat myself since it's my birthday. Maybe it'll cheer me up!" You say. "Good idea!" Kim replies and hugs you. "Happy birthday y/n! Have a good day!" She says. As soon as you close the door you see her start laughing and you wonder why. You just shrug it off and walk to your car.
  Once you're done at the grocery store and are back in the car you think "Well. This is gonna be awkward." You just say screw it and drive back to the dorms. You get there, park the car, and walk up to the door.
Woozis POV.
  "Guys! She's back! Get in position!" Dino shouts. I walk up a little closer to the door to my spot. I'm really nervous about how this is gonna go because she seemed really mad/sad (not really sure) earlier. I can hear her footsteps getting closer then she opens the door.
Your POV.
  I open the door and everyone yells "SUPRISE!!" You see Woozi standing in front of you holding a gigantic bouquet. You drop your groceries in shock. You run up and kiss Woozi. He wraps his free arm around your waist and pulls you into a deeeeeeep kiss. When the kiss is (sadly) over you stare at each other right in the eyes then hug tightly.
  You realize that there are tears in your eyes but you don't care. You're so happy that your boyfriend didn't actually forget your birthday. Woozi hands you your bouquet then everyone else gives you a big group hug.
  "PRESENT TIME!" Minghao yells. You give a big grin, run to the living room and sit on the couch. All the boys run to their rooms then come back each carrying boxes. Woozi sits down next to you and you smile then kiss him.
"Me first!" Mingyu says, and that starts the present opening ceremony. Woozis gift is last. Its the biggest by far.
  Start unwrapping and it's a gigantic Rilakkuma plush! When I say gigantic I mean GIGANTIC! You've wanted one of these for the longest time! "Oh my god Jihoon!" You hug him tight and say "Thank you thank you thank youuuuuu!!" Woozi giggles and you let go. You tell everyone thank you but then Woozi says "Wait! One more thing!" You look at him and he says "I got us reservations for a fancy restaurant downtown!" "Awwwwww!" You say and hug him. "Thank you Jihoon!" You say them go get dressed in something fancy.
  "Wow. You look great!" Woozi says to you. You blush and tell him "Thanks." Then you both walk out of the dorm. You spent the rest of your birthday having an amazing dinner with your boyfriend Woozi. Later that night you got a call from Kim and she told you that she was in on the Suprise. Woozi knew that you would go to that cafe. (aweee) This turned out to be your best birthday so far.

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