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I've always lived with so many expectations. Piles of them, more of them added every time someone new learns who I am. It is not every day that a wizard comes across a Werewolf Metamorphmagus Veela. They all ask me questions, about my powers, but never about me.

I'm often asked how my powers exactly work. To be honest, I'm not quite always sure myself. I have attributes from all of my different ancestors, some more strong than others. To be honest, I'm still trying to figure out how every power in my life fits together.

People expect me to be amazing at everything. With all of these different powers, how could I not be? To them, I'm superhuman, something to be admired, but not quite human. They don't see me as a person. But I'm just a human. I'm just a girl.

Sometimes I feel like I'm an exhibit at the zoo. My parents have done a great job of making me feel like a normal girl, but they can't fix everything. I get a bit self-conscious when it comes to people asking me questions, but I'm asked them so many times, I have answers that I've perfected over the years, ready at the drop of a hat.

Living with so many expectations can make everybody overlook your personality and look at your talents. It's hard to survive a single year, let alone seven. I don't know what people will think of me, and I'm a bit nervous, but we'll see how it goes.

What is your guy's first impression of Remy? Comment what you think of her.

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