Chapter 6

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         “That is really none of your business! You shouldn’t even be out here, Jess.” My jaw drops when Avalon speaks. I can’t believe she tries to change the subject like that. I arch my eyebrows at her as she grabs me by my arm, and begins to pull me away from the house.

         “What was going on in there?” I ask, but Avalon ignores me and keeps pulling me towards the girls building, I am surprised with her strength. She doesn’t look very muscular or strong, but I’m telling you, I can’t resist her iron grip. “Let me go, Avalon! Av, Av! Stop! Avalon, you’re hurting me!” I cry out loud. She finally stops walking, still without speaking, and she looks incredulously at me as if she doesn’t believe me, but I’m positive my arm will bruise tomorrow. I bruise very easily. Avalon looks worried, I know she wants me away from here, but I’m not moving one more step.

         “What’s going on, Av?” I repeat, “Why is Sky hurt?” A smug smile appears on Avalon’s face, but there is still no answer from her. “Is she getting the same tattoo as you have?” I keep asking, the smile disappears again, and is replaced by a frown. “Please answer me.” I whisper. Avalon bites down on her lower lip, obviously contemplating something, I hope she decides to tell me what she’s thinking.

         “Leave, Jessica. Get out of here.” She reluctantly says, and I can feel my face fall. That is not what I expected to hear. I don’t even move an inch. “Get the fuck out of here Jessica!” her voice rises to a yell and I automatically take a step back. That girl is truly intimidating sometimes.

         “Not . . . not before you tell me what’s going on!” I stutter.

         “I can’t, Jessica. I really can’t. He’ll hurt me if I do.” She whispers and looks quickly at the Taurus house before looking at me again, “You really need to go.” She grabs my arm again and begins pulling me away once more. But I dig my heels in the ground and use all of my strength to pull my arm out of her grip.

         “I’m not taking one step before you tell me what’s going on!” I yell defiantly. Avalon turns to face me, but her eyes focus on something behind me instead.

         “Oh shit.” She mutters. I turn just to see a huge pack of wolves run towards us, I scream and jump backwards, right into Avalon. I grab her arms and cling to her, I’ve never been much for wild animals, and these are not just the regular deer running around campus, these are wild wolves. I can feel the panic rising in my body. The animals stop running when they’re near us, and they form a circle around us. There must be at least twenty of them, and more keep coming.

         “You should have gone back when I told you too.” Avalon whispers. I look at her and I realize she’s shaking, not like a cold shake, but like a restless shake. Like she has to move. Easily she slithers out of my grip, and steps away from me.

         “What’s wrong?” she doesn’t answer me, it looks like she’s using all of her willpower to just stand still. I notice her breathing is ragged. She doesn’t look at me anymore, but rather at the wolves.

         “I’m sorry.” She finally manages to say, before turning on her heel and running away, leaving me alone with the animals. I have never been so terrified in my life. They’re all around me, glaring at me, growling. Suddenly a wolf from somewhere else howls and within seconds the animals are gone again. I let out a breath of relief as I watch them run away. I sink down on my knees, and bury my face in my hands. I cry because I’m so happy nothing happened to me.

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