Chapter 3

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All hell broke loose

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All hell broke loose.

Too much happened at once - the man beside Klaus slipped out of his seat, bullet in his arm, and there was a second gunshot not a moment after Alexander's.

Aria screamed.

By the time Klaus looked toward her, the officer that had had his gun on her had disappeared to fire from someplace else while his partner fled from beside Klaus, diving behind the counter. The bullets went back and forth between Alexander and the guards, loud, spraying every which way.

Aria was slumped in her seat, hand pressed over her stomach, shivering like she was dunked in ice water. Blood seeped from in between her fingers.

He shot her, Klaus realized, feeling slow and stupid. That dick shot her.

Klaus very much wished he'd brought a gun of his own. But he didn't. So he knocked the table to the ground and ducked behind it like a shield. Aria scrambled from her seat to join, pulling one arm over her head. The gunfire kept going, loud, but not loud enough to drown out Alex's constant string of profanities. Surely he'd run out of bullets soon. If Klaus took out the injured guard, they'd have the upper hand.

"Is there another way to get to behind the counter?" Klaus whispered.

Aria shook her head.

"Right then." He glanced back where the man was hiding. His good arm would shoot up and blindly fire bullets on occasion. "Stay here."

Klaus stayed low - the other guard was too engaged with Alexander to risk firing at him, but his partner was shooting all over the place. It would be too easy to get hit on accident. Kneeling in front of the counter, Klaus waited for the arm to lower.

When he heard the telltale sign on a gun being reloaded, he leapt over the counter, unintentionally on the man's arm. He shrieked before he was met with a swift kick to the head. His hold on the weapon went slack.

Klaus stooped down to pick it up and reload it with the bullets that had spilled out of the man's other hand. The guard tried stopping him, pushing at his legs, trying to get in a good swing.

When the gun was loaded up, there was a bullet in his head.

"Shoot!" The other guard was screaming at Alex. "Get out here and shoot!"

Klaus peered up from behind the counter.

Alexander was out of sight, hidden away somewhere. The guard had taken a couple steps back, eyes searching for his silent target.

Klaus fired.

The bullet hit it's mark, sending the man flying onto the ground, but he jumped right back up, shooting at Klaus.

He barely ducked in time. The officer shot and shot and shot.

"Alex!" Klaus screamed over the noise. "Can you fucking do something?"

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