Creative Writing Contest

430 23 18

Create a nonfiction creative writing piece with descriptive language (adjectives, adverbs, imagery, etc.), figurative language (metaphor, hyperbole, personification, etc), and a more formal tone.

• Please have a minimum of 1,000 words, and a maximum of 10,000 words. This is preferred, as I do not want to read all day long, but you may go above 10,000 if you so desire.
• Please make sure that your topic is, or can be considered, either nonfiction or realistic fiction. For example, you may write about an apple falling from a tree, and you may tell the story from the apple's point of view, but you may not write about how the apple flew from the tree and turned into a pumpkin-eating lobster.
• Please take heed of the fact that this should be a creative nonfiction piece, and not simply just a nonfiction piece. Allow your mind to see the world in different points of view.
• Reminder: Please take heed of the fact that all entries are due two weeks from the day that I post them. This entry is due on the 20th of February, 2016.

Happy Writing!

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