
1.1K 63 22

1. Please take notice of the fact that there are people behind these glass screens, reading every word you write. Re-read anything that you want to post-not just stories, but comments, too- before you hit that button. Some things can be very offensive if directed at you, as I've learnt from past experiences.

2. Please submit your entries on time; I will postpone the due date if necessary. All entries are due two weeks after the original contest is posted unless stated otherwise.

3. Please inform me of your entry somehow. Tag me somewhere in your entry, comment on the contest's chapter, or message me.

4. There will be a point and prize system, where you will earn points to receive special rewards. A chapter shall be posted where I will keep track of who has however many points. Please do not argue with me over how many points you have. I know my point system, and I promise that I will be fair and accurate.

5. Please tag at least one person in the comments when you enter. I won't force you, and it won't count against you if you don't.
Point system:
ONE 1st place win = +11 points given
ONE 2nd place win = +8 points given
ONE 3rd place win = +6 points given
ONE entry to be given the title of Wondrous Work = +2 points every month for 3 months

Prize system:
UNLIMITED votes on THREE books = -22 points
UNLIMITED votes on ONE book = -19 points
ONE sincere comment on EACH chapter of ONE book = -15 points
ONE story added to ONE of my reading lists = -11 points

One friend to talk to and help you get through life = 0 points - a private message

Writing ContestsWhere stories live. Discover now