Ten Word Poem Contest Results

202 19 13

1st Place Winner:


"The setting sun seems confused,

Caught between ocean and sky."

Beautifully written, not too much vaguedness, I love it so much!

You now have +11 points added onto the scoreboard.

2nd Place Winners:


"Grey is good and evil

Defining color

To be human."

Now, this means a lot to me because I'm a very passionate supporter of Human Rights, and this poem shows, in ten words, just how simple Human Rights can be, but how hard to understand it is to some people.

Nice work!


"They are blinded by darkness

Reaching into a bottomless void."

I love this entry, because I think it describes love perfectly. Now, I'm not sure whether that was what you wanted to portray or not, but either way, that's how I looked into it. Why I say that this describes love, is because this is exactly what love is. A blindness. A void that can either be encased in soft, fluffy pillows and clouds to break your fall in the end, or a monster, a hell whether you are dead or alive.

You now (both) have +8 points added onto the scoreboard.

3rd Place:


"We were here

now gone.

Lights out

We're still here."

To me, this entry portrays of someone -- living past their death, you can say. To be remembered, to be honored even in times past yours, is something everyone wants to be -- to be living even past your "lights out". But know and accept the fact that this is not possible for everyone, and living a simple life like Hazel Grace Lancaster's, perhaps shall do everyone in the world the most good of all.



"Only a wise person will know if they are foolish."

Wise words, wise wise words, but not poetic enough. A great quote though, and I hope you are remembered for it.

Love it so much!

You now (both) have +6 points added onto the scoreboard.

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