705 21 1

Your birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory

I don't necessarily hate you, I'd just unplug your life support to charge my phone.

Bitch please, I could eat alphabet soup and shit out a better comback then that

Opinions are like mixtapes; I don't want to hear yours

Bite me
Comeback: I'll be sure to remember that when/if we have sex
Ok. *Pretend to start to bite them*
(A/N I've done the second one before and I guess the bitch thought I was really crazy because she started screaming and ran away like I was a rabid dog...BEST DAY EVER!!
P.S one time I went to the park and a toddler bit me
P.P.S some people are weird and don't do anything...stay away from those
P.P.PS don't actually bite someone lol)

Comebacks And Funny PoemsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz