The Ray

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Hi I'm Raphael I'm known as the hot head of my brothers. Know you normally see me mad and angery at my brothers or something. I think that having brothers are fun but,it is annoying. They drive me insane, as if........ I don't know. Anyways, April is my favorite friend, not Casey for reasons, but April is a girl and you are probably thinking I like April. I have five words for ya. NOT IN A MILLION YEARS!!!!!!

I see her as a sister than anything else. She makes being a girl seem fun sometimes. IM NOT SAYING I WANT TO BE A GIRL IT IS JUST...... It looks..... easy..... one , she is human two, she can get away with stuff. And third, I have no idea. All, I just want is to be treat better. Like my brothers all ways help her,and be nice and treat her stuff sometimes.

" Hey guys come in the lab" Donnie yelled from the lab.5 minutes later, we are all in the lab looking the giant lump under a tarred blanket. Mikey tries to peek under it but Donnie slaps him in the back of head. I snicker. Mikey growls at donnie giving him the stink eye.

"Ok, why are we here Donnie?" Leo asked with his deep silky voice.

" I FINALLY finished my newest creation.......(Dramatic pause)...... THE RAY!!!!!"Donnie remarked admiring his ingenious creation.

"OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH what does it do?" Mikey asked his eyes staring at the giant ray in the middle of the room. Donnie looked at Mikey smirking.

" Well, it is..."He was cut off by Mikey almost pressing a button, that said DO NOT TOUCH!!! Everything around slowed down as Mikey pressed the button. The ray was POINTED AT ME. The ray shot a pink laser at me, Leo runs towards me about to push me out of the way. But the laser was to fast and shot me. I heard screaming and a loud Sharp noise. My ears rang.Everything went fuzzy and I blacked out.

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