new name?

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"Ok, Raph there are some things you should know about being a girl. And sorry if this is awkward and stuff. But, sence you are a girl now you have to know about pu-" I throw my hand across her mouth.

"I think there will be no need for that, ok" I said nervous I already know about the thing that happens once a month for a week for females. April got the message, I take my hand off of her mouth. She looked a little embarrassed but shook it off quickly.

"I have a question to ask you" April's sounded depressed. I nod my head in return.

"Do you want to stay a girl, or go back to being a boy?" Her voice was heavy and hard to bare. I didn't know what to say. I mean I like being a girl but I haven't even been a girl for a day. And me being a boy will probably be a little less awkward towards the guys.

"I don't know yet" I replied. Suddenly Mikey comes running out of the lab into the kitchen where we were. He was sweating and panting, his head moving back and forth frantically.

"What the, Mikey!" I yeld as he hide underneath the table.

"Save me!" Mikey whisper shouted.

"Wha- why?" April said annoyed.

" Because I said something to Leo and he got really embarrassed and mad so he is trying to murder my SHELL!" Mikey replied. What did he say to make Leo so mad anyways.

"What did you say to Leo to..." I said right when Leo comes barging through the door.

"Where is Mikey" April and Raph point under the table. Mikey gives them the stink eye.

"Dang......-_-" then Mikey runs from out the table and out of the door. After 30 minutes of being chased threw the lair. Mikey and Leo stopped running, their bodies where sweating and they were panting heavily. It was kind of HOT in Raphs perspective.

"Ok, lesson learned don't talk to Leo like that......uh." Mikey said and plopped on the couch.

Leo shook his head and pounced on the couch next to the girls. Mikey was wondering, which is never a good thing, but this time it was good.

Mikey head POV

Since Raph is a girl doesn't 'she' have to change her name?

Hmmmm........Rapha! No way.

How about Rapheala. No this is lame it sound to much like her own name.......

Ah I got it!!!!


"Hey Raph, since you are a girl and all. Do you want to keep your name our change it? Cause I have a perfect name just for U!" Mikey smiled. Raph shrugged, thinking that Mikey came up with the stupidest name possible.

"Sure I guess if it makes me a little less awkward than ya. What name did you plot Dr. Name'nstien." Raph replied.

"Rachel or Rach for short" everyone looked at Mikey surprised that he came up with a really good name.

"That is a good name" April said. Mikey smirks admiring him self.

"Yup, because I came up with it."

"So what do think Rachel" Leo said a bit shyly.

"Rachel I like it but, I'm not sure if I am going to stay a girl. I mean if the ray turn me into a girl it can turn me back right?" Raph/ Rachel said. Everyone didn't know what to do, if the machine could turn her back or not.

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