Chapter 1

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I jumped up quickly at the sound of a yelp from the closet. I shook my head when I peeked in hesitantly only to find Cinder holding a giant suitcase while simultaneously rubbing her head.

I guess there would always be more stuff that we could take to earth. After all, Cinder isn't coming back this time, not any time soon anyway.

"You okay?" I was still fighting off giggles and so was she.

She nodded then sighed, "I need some water." She hauled the suitcase into her room and dropped it on the bed.

"I'll be right back." I nodded and started to try to fit more into the already almost full bags and boxes around us. How does one person own this much stuff? You'd think she was queen or something.

I laughed to myself but nearly choked when a voice behind me suddenly said, "why are you always so odd?"

I snorted and ignored him completely. Humming slightly I continued to walk around the room, collecting everything in my path.

"Don't forget the curtains and the chandelier." His sarcasm was unappreciatively noted.

I turned around with a harumph and glared testily at Kinney. "Can I help you?"

"No". He shrugged and looked completely at home as he leaned against the doorframe, his hands in his pockets.

I watched him incredulously. What was the point of his existence? He might be cute but his attitude more than pounded that off switch into the wall.

"Okay well here's an idea. Leave." I smiled sweetly at him then rolled my eyes the second he laughed.

"What idiot came up with that idea?" I gasped slightly at his brazenness.

"It's not like anyone here wants you here." I folded my arms and tried not to strangle him. You'd think that months with this guy would've made him more tolerable, but nope! At this point I was pretty sure his life goal was to make me miserable.

"Why do you have to come with us anyway? Cinder isn't queen anymore."

"That might be true but I did swear to prefect her until death so I'm kinda stuck. Besides she's gonna need a guard once she gets to earth, I heard it's crawling with androids." He smirked and I just wanted to slap the smug look off his face.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I hissed.

"It simply means that she's already got a robot glued to her side I doubt she'd want another one." He nodded matter of factly and I rolled my eyes and let out a pent up breath.

I wanted to yell out that he was a sad excuse for a man and that dragging me down to his level wouldn't work when Cinder appeared in the doorway.

"Well, I see you two are getting along as good as ever." She laughed as she continued into the room.

I turned away from Kinney and tried to compose myself. Why did he always get me so riled up?

I angrily finished finding spots for the odd things in bags and boxes as I thought about his words. I can't believe I'm stuck with him until he dies! Shaking my head with a newfound indifference I peeked toward where he stood now next to Cinder.

He was listening as she explained where the boxes went and I noticed yet again just how good looking he truly was.

His profile was strong and attentive and I found myself enraptured by the mere sight. With a heavy sigh I recalled his biting words from earlier and tried to remind myself of the type of guy he changed into once he opened his mouth. At least my mind and eyes could agree that he was not even an option for me.

I stacked another box on the giant pile and was about to turn for the next one when I realized there was nothing left.

I dusted off my hands victoriously. Making eye contact with Cinder I gave her a thumbs up and she smiled relieved.

"Alright Kinney lets start moving these boxes. I'll go and get some other people to help too." Cinder said absentmindedly. And yet again I found myself alone with Kinney.

I stepped from one foot to the other but was still standing awkwardly to the side as he shuffled some boxes around until he had two comfortably in his arms. Before I even had time to ask if he needed help he had already left the room.

I tried not to let it bother me but I was hard not to take it personally. What I had I even done to deserve this behavior toward me? Shaking my head to clear the thoughts, I grabbed a box and made my way down to the ship.

Iko and Kinney (The Luner Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now