Chapter 5

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I stared at myself in the mirror. What was wrong with me? Why did I think I deserved her?

I quickly washed my face hoping that somehow it might also wash away these thoughts. She had been so off yesterday. I had hated it. What if that's how it would be from now on? She proclaimed her feelings somewhat and I hadn't answered correctly. Now she's moved on.

I rolled my eyes and dried my face. What would Cinder think of all this? I laughed and exited the bathroom with a newfound confidence.

Iko was mine. If I lost her now I'd be the biggest idiot in the world. How my thoughts had changed so drastically in so little time still astounded me. I guess they hadn't really changed though. I've been in love with her since I saw her. When I found out she was a robot I had broke down. But I no longer cared. I probably wouldn't be that great of a father anyway.

I realized I had stopped in the middle of the hallway and looked around embarrassed. I sighed when no one was in sight and continued to the house. If I was going to convince her I'd have to go all out. I knew just who to ask.

I walked into the house and found her instantly. Being rude was simply a wall. One I knew I'd have to put up the second I met her. Now I regretted the false security.

I looked away begrudgingly and instead found the person I had been wanting to talk to.

"Hey Kinney." They said and I smiled sheepishly.

"I have a favor to ask..." they listened and agreed—more enthusiastically then I anticipated. Mission 'get Iko' was a go. I slid one more smile her way then started sharing my ideas.


Serenade her, buy her something, simply tell her how I feel, or my personal favorite: kiss her and face the consequences after.

As tempting as it was though, I felt like none of them were enough. I really needed this to go right. Why am I so desperate? I honestly couldn't tell you. The best way I could explain it is by comparing it to a switch. One that—now that it's been turned on—feels impossible to turn off. I had to have her.

I noticed it the third day and now it was the fourth. We would only be here another three so I'd have to figure it out quick.

I've really appreciated the help but the next part relied entirely on me. I was more nervous than I thought I would be.

I didn't quite have it all planned out. Not how I should anyway. Would it really matter though? She'll either say yes or no. That part relied entirely on her. So at the moment I chose not to worry about it.

"Are you sure this will work?" I asked hesitantly.

"Sure it will. Every girl loves it!"

I sighed but nodded all the same. "I'm not doing it tonight. But when I do... I guess you'll know."

"You'll be just fine. I doubt she'd ever say no."

I smiled thankfully and made my way to the dinner table. She sat across from me like always. Yesterday had gone by in a blur but at least we didn't fight—of course we didn't even talk but it's about being positive right? Just something about her made me want to be good. To be good for her, just her, only her. I shivered at the overwhelming feelings.

"You okay Kinney?" Iko asked sweetly. Of course not. Can you not tell?

"Yeah, just tired." Stop lying. Never.

"It's crazy that we've already been here for four days." She said calmly, clearly struggling to make conversation. But I didn't want our conversations to be about the weather.

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