Chapter 8

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                       POV- IKO

We walked back to the house quietly. Yes everything had happened quickly, but now he looked down. I squeezed his hand lightly, and he smiled softly at me. I tried to hide my disappointment in his sudden drop of enthusiasm.

Kinney opened the door for me and suddenly I wished that we had just gone to bed. Everyone was right where we left them but had the decency to act as if they hadn't just been eavesdropping on our whole conversation.

When they noticed we walked in hand in hand they jumped up and came towards us. Thorne slung his arm around Kinney and whispered something to him and looked at me with a huge smile. I gave him a confused face and he blatantly shrugged.

"I was simply trying to get my credit." He said sarcastically and Kinney hit his shoulder. Thorne laughed and joined cress in front of us.

They were all chattering around us but not quite listening to us so I clapped and they all stopped. "Kinney and I are officially together!" I announced.

They all cheered and gave us hugs. Winter and scarlet left to get some drinks and we all toasted to a great trip. When we all sat in the living room I glanced at Kinney and found him already watching me. I smiled and looked away and found Thorne's gaze. He winked at me, then laughed when I scowled slightly. I ignored him and peeked at Kinney again.

I couldn't fight the feeling that something was off with him. So as we all sat, I looked around to make sure we weren't being watched and leaned over. I kissed his ear softly and he immediately became alert. Then I kissed behind his ear and whispered, "you don't regret me do you?"

I tried to keep the emotion out of my voice but he was already swinging toward me. "Iko? Never!" He pulled me closer and I laid on his chest. "I'm sorry, love." He kissed my forehead and then whispered, "What do you say we get out of here?"

I nodded quickly, so we quietly got up and nobody moved. Laughing, we shrugged and headed outside. We walked for a couple minutes before we crested a small hill that hid us from the house. Kinney sat down and I followed.

"Won't you tell me what's wrong?" I murmured.

"No." He wouldn't look at me and my face fell. Then he chuckled and kissed my nose, "because there is nothing wrong. How could there be when I finally got what I've been wanting?"

"As flattering as that is, I know when something is bothering you." I sat up on my knees and faced him. He sighed but met my stern gaze.

"Fine." He rolled his eyes with a small smile and my heart jumped.

"Fine?" I tried to hide my smile but he reached out and grabbed me, pulling me towards him. Somehow managing to switch our positions, he laid his head on my lap. I leaned over him and he pulled me down for a kiss. It was soft and sweet and wonderful, but he pulled away shortly.

"Now tell me," I pushed as I ran my fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes softly and looked as if he just might fall asleep. "Kinney?"

"Sorry, I just got really tired." He curled into me more and I almost died from how cute he looked.

"Fine." I murmured, "I guess you can tell me tomorrow." He smiled against my stomach then fell asleep. I kept running my fingers through his hair, and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I was trying desperately not to get too attached, but it was clearly too late. I was in love with this stupid idiot. I just hoped he truly loved me back.

"I love you so much." I kissed his forehead and he gave a small smile in return, a sweet hum escaping his lips before he truly fell asleep.

Leaning back and staring at the moon, I found I no longer enjoyed the view of the moon. Something was off. It was as if it were mocking me—mocking us. I tsked and looked back down at my beloved.

Iko and Kinney (The Luner Chronicles)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora