Chapter 3

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Getting to the house was a little awkward. When I walked in I felt completely out of the loop. A third wheel of sorts to this group of friends. I tried my best to hide the discomfort, after all it was mostly my idea to come.

Iko squealed upon entering behind me and I whipped around to find her hugging everyone. She got to the pregnant one and watched her stomach lovingly.

I tried to look away. Tried so hard not to take in the curve of her smile, her head, her back, her— I shook my head, heat rising to my face.

She backed away and started in the conversations all around. And yet it was suddenly different, because she was standing next to me.

Reminding myself of what took place minutes ago between us I found feelings of guilt. I guess I just teased her because
I liked her.

But I couldn't. She wasn't real. She was a robot. The mantra repeated in my head; the same thing I've been telling myself for a while now. How pathetic I've become.

"Alrighty! Dinner!" Scarlet called proudly.

Everyone turned to the dining room and took seats across from their... pair? Couple? Significant other? Didn't matter really, cause I didn't have one.

With little surprise I found Iko sitting down across from me. A small almost imperceptible smile tugging at her lips.

Once the meal was served everyone started talking again.

"So, Kinney right?" I glanced to my right to find Thorne looking at me.

I nodded and he smiled, something that looked so natural on his face I found myself nearly envious. It was hard to believe that this rambunctious group held the same people that overthrew Levana.  That these were the same people that played parts in all of Iko's stories. These were her friends, and these people were heroes.

"Are you gonna be staying with cinder and Kai then?" I turned to him once more only to see him shift slightly and smile towards cress. She blushed and curled into herself. Footsies? What were they 12?

I kept my eyes from rolling as he rose his eyebrows at me. Right. He asked something. "Yes."

He nodded and rolled his shoulders. "Not a man of many words I see." He nudged me and I fought to keep my face neutral. Friends and comrades I'd had but casual hang out all the time, hit each other when laughing

I smiled slightly at the idea of this group knowing me, liking me, treating me as if I were one of them.

"He can smile!" Thorne hurrahed and everyone laughed.

"Thorne." Cinders warning tone had him holding his arms up in surrender.

"Can't I just congratulate the man? He's been looking put out this whole evening. Ha for a second I was beginning to think that you were a robot." Thorne turned to me with that last comment and wiggled his eyebrows with a not so hidden glance at Iko.

I only chuckled and shook my head, trying to ignore the way my brain screamed LIAR! While simultaneously failing to ignore the flash of hurt across Iko's face.

Iko and Kinney (The Luner Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now