Chapter 10

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My scars still stuck out on my face, even though Cinder had tried to mend it.

I refused to look in any mirrors, but Kinney insisted that I always looked beautiful. It was strange... our sudden relationship.

It was as if Kinney had always been lovely and doting, but he had never been able to show it. It was as if a dam had been broken. Suddenly it was all about me, and he was always smiling and wanting to be near me. I hadn't realized how insecure he was until now.

I looked over and met his eyes across the table. He winked at me, making me grin. Perhaps I could help boost his confidence. I might not be human, but I still have the same appeal.

"So I know today is our last day," Cinder started slowly, "but I think this trip has been amazing. And now that we're all on the same planet, we can meet up more often." She laughed, raising her water glass in a cheer.

We all clinked glasses and talked about anything that would distract us from the fact that we'd be leaving right after this meal.

Kinney would be with me at the castle, but would he act different out in the open? I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, making sure he didn't notice.

No, we'd be the same. Still Iko and Kinney... because if not, cinder would surely beat him.

The goodbyes were supposed to be short and sweet, but when Thorne hugged Cinder it made us all linger. They were having a hushed conversation that Cinder didn't look to be enjoying. I already knew I'd blame him if her attitude became irritable. They had the whole trip back to the palace to talk, and it was bothersome that they took up this time to say goodbyes.

Next came Scarlet, and there was no stopping her emotions when she hugged each of us as if we were her grandchildren. Wolf had to practically peel her off from every hug. His goodbye was less affectionate, in the fact that it included no physical touch at all. But the truth seemed to set in when the hugs were over, and everyone's spirits dropped even harder. I took it upon myself to improve the mood.

"Finally I get to get away from all of you." I chuckled. They all laughed as we met eyes with each other. Yes, it was time to go.

I smiled to myself and quickly grabbed my bags. "I've got that." Kinney said lightly, grabbing my bags and pressing a kiss to my cheek.

We loaded onto the Rampion, and started our journey.

"So do you think that people from the moon will be down here often?" Cinder asked Kai quietly.

I tried not to listen in on their conversation, but, two hours into the trip, I became devastatingly bored. Needless to say, Kinney was currently unavailable... he was sleeping. Apparently he didn't sleep very well last night.

I walked up to the pilot and rolled my eyes. He was... well, multitasking. With one hand on the controls and the other around Cress's waist.

I scratched my head and walked back to where Cinder was still whispering to Kai. "Maybe we can convince them to go home in a day." She said, almost desperately.

"I'm not sure." He sighed, "they seemed pretty adamant on staying for at least a couple."

"It's not like there's going to be a wedding that soon. What do they want?" She whispered, slightly louder than before.

I sealed my mouth and continued walking. I headed towards the back rooms, eager for some peace and quiet—and for Kinney.

I opened the door he was behind, then shut it quietly behind me.

Iko and Kinney (The Luner Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now