Guidelines - Chapter 3 - Part 2

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So this is part of chapter 3 but it will be in Tomoes perspective because he ran off to take care of some 'business'....

'I have business alright...babysitting that childish girl....humph...(y/n) is so weak and fragile and I have to do all her dirty work' he thought as he left Toma and (y/n) to do their thing. He didn't seem all to impressed as he walked back from where they had come.

Tomoe walked until he was out of the small town and more into the trees that surrounded it. His violet, keen eyes scanning the area. With a flick of his wrist he has his fan in his hands and flutters it irritatingly. Covering most of his beautiful face...and his Cheshire smirk.

Tomoes POV

"Come out, come out wherever you are~" I said with slight muse in my voice. I let my ear flick at even the slightest sound of movement. "I know you are here to try and attack my master" I added.

"So you did figure out I was following you...that's a shame..." said a male voice. It was raspy and dry sounding which annoyed me.

"But of course! You weren't exactly light on your feet" I retorted looking at the tall man who stepped out from behind a thick tree several yards ahead of me. My brow was raised and my eyes narrowed. "Now...will you tell me what you were planning on doing?" I asked.

The man crossed his arms and sighed. " know... a little of this and a little of that~" he snickered a little and had a perverted look on his smug little face.

I growled slightly at him. "So you have the intention of touching my mistress? That's awfully brave" I huffed a bit putting my fan away. There felt to be a slight pang in my chest but I just figured it was and adrenaline rush.

"Well...I was planning on more than just touching her if you know what I mean~" the man said with a smirk and a wink. "Now if you will let me be...I will go do that now" he said starting to leave.

In a second I was beside him. My hand gripped his shoulder forcefully. "I'm afraid I cant allow that" I say with a threatening tone. The man paused and looked at me.

"Well why would you stop me Tomoe? Its not like you even like the girl" He said with a grin. I froze and tensed up. Looking at the man with newfound eyes. Did I know him from somewhere? I mean he clearly wasn't human...right?

"Now that I have you all confused I should be going...I wont touch your precious least...not yet~" he said and before I could ask or even respond to what he said he vanished. Nothing left but his murky scent.

'Damn him...whoever he is...ill figure it out sooner or later'  I thought and gave a little growl before continuing back to find (y/n) and Toma. Making sure to hide my ears and tail as I walked back into town and looked around until I saw them in a restaurant...

(y/n) POV

I was still in shock . "WAIT WHAT?!?!" I gasped looking at Toma in shock. "There is no way that's going to happen! Nu uh! No way is he going to get my first kiss" I grumped a bit.

"Who's not going to get your first kiss?" a familiar voice said behind me that actually sent shivers down my spine. It was Tomoe! Omigosh!!

"Um! No one!" I say quickly and almost fall out of my seat. Toma looked at me and had an innocent smile on his face. "(y/n) was just saying that--" he was cut off by my hand flying over his mouth. "I-uhhh just forget it alright?" I say blushing a little.

Tomoe looks at me strangely and sighs sitting down. "Sure...sure whatever" he sighed.

-- Timeskip to them finishing their meal --

Once the long and very quiet meal was finished Tomoe got up. Grabbing Toma by the top of his hakata. "Would you excuse us M'lady?" Tomoe asked looking at me. I just nod a little bit and they disappear to be outside. Tomoe dragging Toma out with him.

"What did you tell her?" Tomoe muttered glaring at Toma. "Just w-what milady w-wanted to k-know..." "And that was?" "Ummm... Your.... Contract?" Toma stammered nervously. Scared of what Tomoe was going to do.

I stood up and shook my head and sighed going outside to where they were. "Let's go back now" I said looking at Tomoe.

Tomoe slowly turned to me, he looked like didn't know what to expect from me. He then looked back at Toma and turned him into a fox, then put him on his shoulder walking towards me.

"Relax..." I said looking at Tomoe. I could tell he was a bit worried about what I would do. I then reached for Toma; now in fox form because of Tomoe. I put him up on my shoulders.

Toma looked at me and was quiet where as Tomoe also looked at me, then he sighed, "well now I can't ever be relaxed around you... Anyway let's just get back" he said walking away from me.

"I'm not going to use it" I said and crossed my arms more greatful that he only knew about the voice command part of Toma and I's conversation. I caught up to him and was walking beside him.

Tomoe didn't reply to me and we got back to the inn and back to our room, Toma hopped down and looked around, "wow, this place is pretty" he said looking around.

"I know... good pick Toma!" I said with a smile and sat on the bed I claimed. A bit mad at Tomoes overreaction.

Tomoe walked in and looked at me, he was going to say something but then he turned away and lied on the bed he claimed. Toma looked at him, but then at me, he hoped on my bed, "what do you want to do?"

"We can do whatever you want" I smiled at Toma. I was just happy he was here to keep me company instead of that fox. He turned back into a boy, looking at me, "well, I've never been here before... So I don't know what to do" he said flopping down cutely. His ears flopped over and looking up at me with his green eyes.

I smiled at his cuteness. "Me either...we can play cards or something" I suggest looking at Toma. He smiled happily, "yeah!" Then he made cards appear, "here we go" he said smiling, Tomoe sighed and got up and walked to the door, "I'll be back" he said walking out.

"Um alright..." I said and looked at Toma with a smile. "Let's play!"

Okay so I love this chapter....the next one you will learn more about yourself/your character. Its kinda sad and harsh but there are reasons for it~ Anyways...please leave a comment or something!

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