What A Prince...- Chapter 9

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3rd POV

Tomoe nodded and walked towards the door, "are you going like that?" He asked turning on his heel to look at her. Giving her a critical scan over with his violet eyes. She looked at him then looked down at her clothes. "Well what else do I wear?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest in a huff.

He looked at her "no, no... it's fine, I was just wondering" he said walking out with a little smirk but masked his mutual face over it. Now (y/n) just felt completely unconfident. "Hey... now that's just mean! If you think I should wear something else just spit it out" she said and stood at the door looking at him.

He glanced over his shoulder to look at her and sighed "if you didn't wear what the prince gave you, it would be like a slap to the face" he said walking again and looking foreword "you look fine" he added quietly.

She sighed and closed the door behind her as she began following him. "Fine" she murmured to herself with a little blush. "Okay let's just go". He looked at her and smirked then started walking down the stairs, leaving the inn "so he's right down this road, it's in a private Cafe " he said walking that way.

"That sounds nice" she said quietly and was still a bit self conscious about the comment that Tomoe had made but she walked with him towards the cafe. She looked around the outside of it. "It's pretty and cute" she said in a fit of awe.

He sighed looking at it and just opened the door for her, "there you go milady, I'll be right outside, he will be upstairs"

"Alright thank you Tomoe" she said and walked inside and inside it was a cute small café, one that was warm and cozy with books lining the walls. She made her way up the nice, spiral stairs and noticed a figure sitting at a small table.

(Y/n) POV

A man was sitting there and he was very  handsome. He had jet black hair and once he heard me he looked over to me and smiled with straight, pearly whites, "oh, you must be princess (Y/n)" he said standing up and bowing, "it is a pleasure " he added politely.

I gave him a shy curtsy and had a light blush powdered across my cheeks. "It's a pleasure to meet you" I said respectfully with soft smile on my face. He smiled, "oh! Where is my manners? I am prince Kij, I am very glad you liked the dress " he said smiling and gesturing to the dress he had given me and that I was wearing.

I nodded looking down at it and gripping the fabric in my hands. "I like it a lot" I murmured with a  little smile although my thoughts were very different... ' I know someone who has other thoughts' 

He smiled charmingly that could make any girl melt "that's good, I'm glad" he said and sat down, "I really wanted to met you before the meeting tomorrow, just to see how you're like"

I sat across from him and pulled myself in more to get comfy. "Well I have never met myself but I hope I'm nice" I laughed lightly to lighten up the situation. My eyes slightly scanning him.

He laughed one of those panty dropping laughs "well you seem nice... So how is your province?" he asked kindly to start conversation as one of his servants came up to them and gave them tea and cookies.

"It's good, nothing to complain about" I said with a simple nod. I wasn't very hungry since my stomach seemed to hold butterflies that fluttered about as he talked.

"And your father? The king, how is he?" He asked looking at me with his ice blue eyes that screamed the colour of the sky on a nice day....only I felt like I had seen them somewhere before.

I paused when I looked into his eyes. 'Familiar...'  I thought to myself then decided to answer his question. "He is doing well...a busy man he is though" I informed him and by me trying to figure out who he was my heart sped up but I was able to keep my composure.

He smiled "I see, and how old are you now?" "I am 18 now" I answered easily and dismissively. Finding the question slightly random. My hands that were hidden under the table, I began to fumble with them. Trying to figure out where I have seen him before.

He smiled, "interesting..." he murmured while sipping his tea. I gave him a quick questioning look but then smelled the warm tea that had been sitting in front of me. "What tea is this?" I asked looking at it.

He looked at me. "You have really forgotten? This was your favourites when we were little" he said with a  gentle smile. "My favourite tea?" I murmured and drifted off into my own thoughts but couldn't remember much of my childhood or him for that matter.

He looked at me and sighed "well of course you wouldn't remember... You had a very nasty fall... And I think you had amnesia... Anyway, when you were little, you would come over to my province, and we would play a lot and have tea, and we would always have this, the pink lady" he said looking down at his tea with a gentle smile at the warming memory.

I heard the name and my mind instantly went to Tomoe for some reason. Then I smelled the tea again and sipped it before talking again. "I fell? And got amnesia?" I said questionably.

He nodded " I had a very large tree in the back of my house, and you always wanted to climb it, I never liked you doing that.... but you always said I was a party pooper... And you fell off of it one day. You weren't responsive so they took you away, and I haven't seen you since that day... You probably forgot all about me anyway... I just thought having tea again would help you to remember, but I guess not" he smiled but he looked a little sad which kinda broke my heart.

I couldn't help the look of concern towards him. "I really don't remember anything" I admitted. "I'm sorry..." I trailed off and held onto the teacup to keep my hands busy and warm. He looked at me and smiled "no, no, please it's fine" he said smiling, "but here's to a new relationship " he said as if to cheer for it then started sipping his tea.

I smiled slightly at him and found him strange but who was I to judge? I nodded in agreement to the upcoming friendship and sipped my tea. He put down his tea cup and a servant came up to him and he nodded, and looked towards me once his servant left him be, "would you like to ask me anything?"

"Not that I can think of..." I admitted with my eyebrows furrowed. It was hard enough to try and remember anything about him let alone ask him any questions. He nodded, "very well, I hate to do this but my duty calls," he said standing up, "I will see you tomorrow " he bowed politely but gave me a small wink.

I blushed and stood up and gave a curtsy. "Yes you will" I mused with a smile. My eyes looking him over before he would leave. 'It's sad that I don't remember...he seems nice' I thought.

But before he left completely, he turned around and smiled "see you later little (y/n)" he said then left, but that hit me....and I seemed to recognized that.

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