Tomoe's Back - Chapter 5

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OMG I'm just so happy people even look at this! It makes me feel great...even if they don't read it! Thank you <3

(Y/n) POV

After a while Toma fell asleep huddled in my arms and Tomoe walked in quietly. Looking around the room before continuing with walking in. He was hoping they were both asleep and he had some blood splotched on his clothing.

I wasn't quite asleep but I didn't move because I was holding onto the sleeping Toma tight. I heard Tomoe come in but didn't say anything... I just looked down at  Toma with a light small smile on my face.

Tomoe walked past us and went to his side of the room. He changed into new and clean clothing. After that he took out paper, and started writing. I was able to look at him writing down something. Slightly curious about it but I sighed not wanting to disturb him or Toma. My eyes closed lightly and placed my head on Toma's.

Tomoe was still writing and didn't look up but he spoke to me "You can do whatever you like, once Toma is asleep, he's asleep..." he informed me in a plain voice.

I heard him and my heart stopped slightly in surprise. "H-how?" I stuttered quietly. My arms still around the young Toma to hold him closer.

He looked at me with his attractive, violet eyes that could make my heart swoon. "I could sense you were awake... and you were moving a bit" he said looking back down at his paper. Causing a little pout to form.

"Oh" I said silently and sat up carefully. Letting Toma go gently and tucking him into the bed with a large blanket. "Where did you go?" I asked sitting up properly and moving to the edge of the bed.

He glanced at me, then back to his paper. "Out" he said putting the brush down. Being cautious as to not get ink everywhere. Folding the paper up.

"Your such a party pooper" I pout and walked over to him. I was curious as to what he wrote but I didn't get to say anything about it because it was already closed up. Tomoe tied it up so that it was a little folded piece of paper...for someone who hadn't done that their whole life... it would be hard.

"Some things a lady should not hear" he said plainly. "You're no fun!" I sigh looking at him. "Why are you like that? Loosen up!" I said sweetly and smiled a bit.

He glared at me and stood up. "I have my reasons, (y/n),  as I'm sure you have yours for snuggling Toma like that" he said walking over to a bird that was on the window still. It was waiting patiently for the letter.

I watched him. "Yeah I snuggled him... so what? Are you jealous~?" I asked in a teasing yet quiet tone. Folding my arms across my chest.

He picked up the bird carefully and attached the letter to it.  "No I'm not.. I'm just saying, everyone has reasons they do things..." He said looking at me and then he smirked which sent chills down my spine.

"And to warn you m'lady, tomorrow, be prepared, I'm going to act like I've never acted before..." he grinned evilly which replaced his smirk. His eyes narrowed a little as he looked at me. "I'm going to make you sweat, till you beg me to stop... and I'm going to touch you, where i've never touched you before...~"

Its short XD and don't think perverted thoughts people!! For shame :P

(MOVING) Signing The Contract (Tomoe x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora