Forceful Words - Chapter 11

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Double update ERMAGERD....

3rd Person POV

He looked at her for a long moment "okay.... fine, but let me do something first" he said stretching slightly. She looked at him and just was wondering what he was going to do. Sitting up straight and tilting her head slightly as he walked out of the room. After a bit he came back and he looked at (y/n) and walked over and lied down beside her "this is what you wanted me to do right miss?"

She looked at him and smiled a bit but honestly something was off. "Yes" she hummed and moved over to face him more. "Where did you go?" She asked curiously. He looked at her "well a man has to relieve " he said plainly.

She looked at him and let her (e/c) eyes squint at him. "Oh I see...." she said and hugged him tight. "Well I'm sooo glad you're back" she said sweetly and wondered what he would do. Tomoe looked at her and the tip of his ears went slightly red, 'I must stay the master, I must stay the master'  he thought over and over as he looked at her and sighed "yeah, I guess..." He murmured trying to make himself sound bored.

She nodded to herself slightly then nuzzled her head into his chest. She breathed in his scent and knew it wasn't Tomoe for sure there and then. "Okay Toma.... where is Tomoe?" she said in a normal tone her eyes flicked to his and held a serious look to them. "You do know that you guys smell different right?" She laughed a little.

He looked at her and turned back " got me miss, to tell you the truth, the master is super awkward about this stuff, but he is outside" She smiled and pet Tomas head. "Thanks bud" she hummed and stood up and walked outside silently. She saw Tomoe and leaned on the door, being as quiet as she could.

Tomoe hear her movement and turned around. He froze on the spot "oh... M-milady... So you found out..." He said looking away from her. She wasn't sure if it was in shame of being found out or if he was worried about it.

She smiled innocently at that. "Oh Tomoe..." she laughed lightly. "You just never learn do you?" Tomoe looked at (y/n) and didn't trust that smile, not one bit. "A-ah... What are you going to do?" He asked not looking at her.

"I can't do anything" (y/n) explained quickly and simply looking at him. "I'm slightly disappointed but that will pass" she murmured a little but there was still warning in her voice. Tomoe looked at her and relaxed a bit. "Oh... Okay" he said looking at her now. 'Is she really going to let me go free?' He thought to himself.

She walked over to him in a sassy like way making herself face to face with him. "Disappointment... It's a funny thing" she said nonchalantly looking him in the eyes. "Now FOX  you will sleep with me whether you like it or not!" She demanded slightly and turned on her heel. Making her way back to her bed.

He was surprised but that passed and then glared a her. It was not a pretty glare either. His body being forced to walk because of the command. "You idiot! Do you have any idea what you have FRICKING  done?!" He snapped as he closed the door behind him. In an instant he was pushing her down onto the bed. "You need to be careful with your words!" He said looking down at her.

She felt him push her onto the bed and blushed madly looking up at him. "O-okay.... fine right... FOX I WANT YOU TO CUDDLE ME" she demanded through her stammers. Although she herself had panicked slightly she was amused by how he panicked with it.

He grumbled "Why me?" as his body hugged her and lying down with her. (Y/n) giggled a little bit and then nuzzled him in the chest. "Oh stop you're fine" she teased quietly. He sighed and looked down at her. "I just don't understand you" he said his arms glued around her.

"Yeah well I'm only human~" she hummed letting his arms just glue to her. Sighing in content slightly and she looked in his eyes. She truthfully loved his eyes.

He looked at her but then he started to stare at her. It was kind of a scary stare. "What are you? I can never tell..." He murmured in a question before continuing his staring.

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