The Fourth Concert

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OK, guys sorry for the mix up, I'll be able to update just not everyday. And the first two concerts were in Mexico City, the third one was in Fort Lauderdale. Sorry for the mix up. Here's the next chapter. It will be way better than the last one. I promise.


Raines' POV

  Before I fell asleep last night, I buried my nose in the 'Half Blood Prince' Harry Potter book. Told you I was a nerd. Thank God I didn't get any complaints about my music being too loud.

  I sat up on the bed, running a hand through my hair. I slowly opened my eyes and looked to my right trying to see the time. 8:06. I shook my head and pushed myself off the bed, bending over and grabbing my bag. I grabbed an oversized sweater that said '1D' in large black writing, and I grabbed a pair of short white jean shorts. I got a shower before last nights concert so I'll get one before this concert.

  I walked into the bathroom and changed out of my pajamas and into the clothes, bundling my pajamas up in my arms and shoving them in my bag, not really caring. I'm too tired to care right now. I zipped open the side pocket of my bag and pulled out my tooth brush and toothpaste, then walked back into the bathroom. As I brushed my teeth I examined myself. I could put my hair up once we got in the tour bus, so I just needed to fix my makeup a bit then I could go find the boys and Paul, hopefully avoiding getting into too much trouble. Paul would hopefully understand.

  Once I finished brushing my teeth, I grabbed my contact case, not feeling like dealing with them today. I'll be able to sleep on the bus in my glasses better than I will in my contacts. I'm not even supposed to actually sleep in my contacts.

  I threw my stuff back into my bag and grabbed my small makeup case. I sat on the bed and opened up my compact mirror with my initials on it, that my mom had made for my 17th birthday.

  I looked at myself, deciding with mascara and a little black eyeliner, nothing too much since I'd be sleeping most of the day. Hopefully, if the boys don't wake me up with their loudness. I groaned at the thought.

  My makeup wasn't much, but enough to last me until we got to Miami.

  As I stood off the bed and grabbed my stuff, I felt the sleeve of my shirt slip off my shoulder. I ignored it and walked to the corner of the room and slipped on my high tops once again. I grabbed my snapback off of the table and clipped it to my bag, then slipped my phone and iPod in my back pocket, walking out the room. I hurried to the elevator, hoping that it wouldn't stop. I just wanted to get to the bus and take a nap, falling asleep to Ed Sheeran. It's one of my specialties.

  The doors dinged open and I slid in, silently thanking God that no one was in the elevator, then again I was on the top floor.

  The elevator slowly made it's way down to the ground floor, not stopping once. I watched the doors with sleepy eyes as they slid open, revealing some all too familiar faces. I groaned, a little too loudly, causing them to look at me. I blushed and looked down at my feet, exiting the elevator and walked towards the desk, standing next to Niall, who was checking them out of their room.

  The guy who checked me into my room last night, walked up to the computer and smiled, I gave him a sleepy smile back.

"Nice too see you again," He said. I nodded and handed him my room key, leaning against the desk, closing my eyes, then opening them again, trying not to fall asleep.

"Aye Raines!" I heard a voice ask behind me. I turned around and looked at the three boys I met last night in the elevator.

"Hey Isaac," I slurred, closing my eyes and smiling again before leaning up against the desk.

Diary of A Teenage Nerd (A Liam Payne Fan Fiction) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now