Today Is Different

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Hey guys! How'd ya like it so far? If you like it then comment, vote, fan, spread the word about it and stuff like that! Just FYI, Niall isn't in the first few chapters, but he will be in them!! Just a warning.

 Liam's P.O.V

    "Hey Raines?" The bell just rung and we are heading to lunch.

    "Hmm?" She looks at me as she's putting her back pack around her shoulder.

"Want to eat lunch with me and my friends?" I could tell I've been talking to her a lot more than she's used to. I don't know why. She's very pretty, she's smart, and she seems nice, but I did just meet her, so I can't judge on how nice she was. But judging by what I've seen so far, she seems really sweet, just very, very shy.

     I watch her small, frozen frame look at me in shock. I suddenly feel bad, I don't want her to feel pressured to sit with a bunch of people she doesn't know. "If it will make you uncomfortable then you don't have-"

   "Oh, I'd love too. I mean it's just no one has ever asked that before," She blushes and shies away, packing up her things.

   "OK, well c'mon, we can walk together." She nods and grabs her books. We are the last to leave. We drop our books off at our lockers. They were a good distance apart, but we wait for each other when we get to our lockers. 

I couldn't help but worry what my friends would do when they saw I invited her to lunch with us. I don't think they thought I would take it this far...

Raines P.O.V

      Oh. My. Freaking. God. I'm going to lunch with Liam. And his friends. I keep wondering why the hell would he invite me to lunch, why he would want to sit next to me, why he told me I was pretty. I'm so very confused. It's so weird. I'm not used to it. No one has ever done this before, any of it. I'm constantly bullied. I've never been bullied by Liam and his friends though. I mean I have classes with them all; for example I had music and English with Liam. I had music and Geography with Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles, and I only know their full names because they're both very loud and the teacher yells at them a lot. Louis has layered brown hair with blue eyes. Harry has curly brown hair with green eyes. The curly hair was definitely a striking feature. I had have music and Science with Zayn....Malik. Yeah that's his name. He has olive skin and black hair with hazel eyes. He's very mysterious. They're all very cute, I must admit. But surprisingly, they're never mean to me. Some of the only people at this school that aren't.

    I see people staring at me, Raines Tyler, walking with Liam Payne. I heard whispers. I guess I'm not the only one who's wondering why I'm making friends.

    "Don't listen to them. Or pay attention to them," Liam whispers in my ear. I nod and he smiles at me. Why is he being so nice to me? I'll have to ask him later.

   Before I know it I was walking in the lunch room with Liam at my side. Neither of us had planned on eating the school food. Liam brought his lunch, and I'm just not going to eat. 

   "Raines? How come I've never seen you in the lunch room?" Liam turns to me and asks.

   "I usually just find a corner outside, and read. I don't come in here, because I get bullied too often. I don't want to listen to them, so I avoid them as much as I possibly can."

   "I mean I used to get bullied too, so I understand why you wouldn't want to come in here." 

    I look up at Liam to see him wave at someone. I look in the direction of which he waved. There was the crew. They share confused looks, but otherwise didn't seem bothered by the fact that I'm going to sit with him. Once Liam and I stop at the table, they fist-bump and high five each others.

Diary of A Teenage Nerd (A Liam Payne Fan Fiction) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz