This Is A Hospital? More Like Jail.

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Harry's POV

  When Raines yelled at me. It kind of stung. I know she was hurting because of her breaking up with Liam, but it still hurt a little. I drove down the road back to my house. 'I realized that the only time salt water doesn't hurt is when your eyes are open when you're crying.' Raines' last words before she passed out. Liam had told me everything that had happen. Including what she had said. No matter how true it was, that phrase would haunt me for life.

  I pulled up to my house in tears. I realized I was crying when I nearly crashed into our garage door. I put the car in par and took the key out of the ignition.

  I buried my head in my hands and ran my hand through my hair. For some reason, I was thinking this was my fault. Even though there was no evidence to it actually being my fault. Except the fact that I had dared Liam to lie to Raines. Poor innocent Raines. Who actually had a heart....before we came along and broke it. We just crushed it then stomped all over it. I hate myself now because of it.

"DAMN IT HARRY!!!" I screamed at the empty, now cold air, in the car. "DAMN YOU!!!!!" I grabbed a fistful of hair and pulled. No matter how much it hurt, I felt so stupid. I left her there. I need to go back. I need to make sure she's OK. I let out a terrible noise that came from the back of my throat.

I heard when someone tapped on my window. I just barely glanced up to see my sister, Gemma. standing on the other side of the window with a concerned look on her face. I unlocked the doors and she went around to the other side and sat in the passenger seat.

"Was I really making that much noise?" I whispered at her. She gave me a small smile and nodded. She slung a arm around my shoulder and I buried my head into her shoulder, wanting to escape the world.

"Wanna talk about it?" She asked me. I slightly shook my head and she understood, not questioning me about it. She always understood on these things.

"I left her at the hospital. They're going to take her away and put her somewhere where I won't see her. I don't want them to hurt her!"

"Wait, Harry I have no clue what you're talking about. What exactly happened?" I sighed, knowing I now had to explain this whole story again.

"Well Raines is suicidal. She gets bullied way, way, way to much. She's tried suicide multiple times. Liam convinced her out of it once, this time he got there too late. She had a knife with her and she cut herself about and inch deep gash through her wrist, cutting a vein. So she lost a lot of blood. Then she woke up and she broke up with Liam because of us leaving for X-Factor. Then her mom told her about her parents getting divorced. Now she's being put in The Bradle Center, where we'll only get and hour to see her a day, but then taking away the time that her parents have with her, which will leave us about 30 minutes. So I won't get to see her.....and you know. This is practically all my fault. I started it. If I didn't give Liam that stupid dare then we wouldn't be in this situation now."

"Harry. You're right. We wouldn't be in this situation now. Because Raines would be dead. She would already be dead if you didn't give Liam that dare. Because if you didn't give Liam that dare, Raines still would have jumped off that building. Did you ever think about that?"

 My eyes widened as what she said sank in. She was right, Raines would be dead if I hadn't gave Liam that dare.

"But just because of that doesn't mean the dare was a good thing. I mean it''s pretty bad Harry. But that doesn't mean you should go thinking bad about yourself. Just because you made one bad decision doesn't mean you're a bad person. I mean the good things are, Raines is alive, you'll still get to see her. Then you have X-Factor in one and a half weeks. Which you're going to do amazing on. And I bet you'll have Raines' votes all the way through. She'll be voting for you, Liam, Louis, Niall, and Zayn. And you don't need to go around being depressed because of the fact that Raines broke up with Liam wanna know why?"

Diary of A Teenage Nerd (A Liam Payne Fan Fiction) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now