A Confession

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Raine's P.O.V

   Did he seriously just ask me that? We just met today how the heck would I start to like him? Well I mean I do like him... So I guess it's possible. Well of course it's possible you idiot, you like him!

"Uh," is all I could manage to say.

"Not you too!" Louis complains, covering his face with his hands.

"Well! We just met today. How would I be able to tell if I like him?" I protest, trying to hide my feelings, or buy myself some time. 

"Well Liam likes you and he just met you today!" Louis fights.

"What's your point?" I question.

   "My point is that you just said you can't tell if you like him because you met him today, but he likes you," Louis explains. I already know this information, but I'm just stalling so I can figure out something to say as an answer. 

   "Well he's a guy!" I say, as if they don't already knew this. All the guys shoot me a 'duh' look. I let out a sigh. I really don't want to tell him that I like him.

"OK, you like him. Now Liam ask her out already! Get it over with," Harry commands. Why are they insisting on making this awkward for us? Liam and I both blush and look away from each other. I am not going to be able to look him in the eye. Well, at least for a while, his eyes are to gorgeous to avoid. 

Yes, I like him.

"Can we please, please play something else?" I beg the guys, looking at Louis.

"How about leave the lovely couple alone?" Harry suggests standing up. I feel the blood rush to my cheeks once again. Surprisingly, everyone except Liam and I leave the room, going somewhere upstairs. I guess it's the time for him to talk about what he said he had to talk about.

I take this chance to look at Liam and see that he's already looking at me.

"Look I'm sorry about my friends. They...they aren't right in the head," Liam explains to me, blushing a bit.

   "It's fine. So you really do like me?" I ask, then immediately realize I asked the wrong question. Liam looks away, clearly embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked that. The guys already made this awkward enough as it is."

"No, it's fine. I had to tell you at some point don't I?" Liam finally looks me in the eye. Not afraid. I like that. 

"I guess." I break away from his stare, and look at the fire place.

"So do you like me back?" Liam asks me. This gets my attention. I look him in the eye.

  "I -I think so...." I stutter. I'm unsure of everything at the moment. "I'm sorry I'm not good with people, as you can probably tell. I really don't know what to say anymore," I say, thinking it's the only way to break the awkward silence.

   "Neither do I," Liam replies.  We're silent for a minute. "I think, I should go find the guys. Who knows what they're up to."

   "Yeah, let's go." As we get up, I bump into him. "Sorry," I say. I looked up into his eyes, his gorgeous brown eyes. I'm unable to move. I just stand there, staring into his eyes, and he's staring into mine. As if he's looking into my soul, trying to find the real Raines. I don't want to move. I feel so happy just standing here with him. I feel him leaning towards me. Was he about to kiss me?

   Apparently he is because when our lips touched, I feel a jolt go up and down my body. Then I get goosebumps. He places my head in his hands. I wrap mine around his neck. God this felt wrong for some reason but I don't stop it. I know I won't be the one to stop it. Turns out I'm not. Liam pulls away first. He looks at me and grins widely. I can't help but grin back. He leans in for another kiss. This time, it doesn't feel wrong, it feels right. Like nothing could go wrong or stop it or keep us from kissing. It's such a good feeling. My heart twisting and turning, a warm feeling covered my body.

Diary of A Teenage Nerd (A Liam Payne Fan Fiction) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now