Don't You Dare Give Up On Me. If You Do, Then I'll Give Up On Myself

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Raines' POV

  I laid my head against the glass and closed my eyes. Tears were forming. And I let them fall. They fell silently and splashed against my dark blue jeans.

"Are you OK honey?" My mom asked from the driver's seat next to me. 

"No..." I muttered and took a deep breath. She put her hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

"I love you. You know that right?"


"You don't need Liam. Just like I don't need your father. You know what? You are the strongest, most beautiful girl I know. When you get out of The Bradley Center, you and I will be two girls living by ourselves. We don't need men. They obviously aren't good for anything but leaving."

"But I loved Liam. I. Loved. Him. And I still do! You may be over dad but I was NOT ready for Liam to just drop me like that. And to tell me that he had been lying this whole time? I'm pretty sure I won't ever be able to have another relationship anymore."

"Honey, you can't let him bring you down like that. There's going to be more guys. Better guys."

"He's the only one who's got enough of me to break my heart, he's the song in the car I keep singing don't know why I do. He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar, the only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star, he's the song in the car I keep singing don't know why I do," I sang to my mother.

"Raines Tyler!! Why didn't you tell me you could sing like that? We could be rich by now!! We'd be living in one of those fancy beach condos. I'd have a cocktail and you'd have Dr. Pepper!! And your dad and Liam would be begging on their knees and we'd say 'Security!?'" My mom was smiling as she was ranting nonsense, attempting to get me to smile. I couldn't help but laugh. "But seriously! Raines you have a voice like an angel!!"

"Thanks mom," I said, letting her know she had said enough. I looked at my mom. I realized then that she was crying. "Mom you're crying."

"Well of course I'm crying!! My baby girl's getting put into a recovery hospital! How could I not cry?"

"I'm sorry-"

"No. Don't you dare apologize. This is not your fault. NOT AT ALL!! If anyone's fault it's my fault. I never should have neglected you like I did. That's the last thing a mom needs to do to her child. Especially her baby girl. I should be apologizing. I don't care what anyone says. It's not your fault. It's those bitch of kids who go to your school. Those kids who treat you like shit. You didn't do anything to deserve that. Excuse my language, but it's true." I gulped. I knew she was right. She shouldn't have neglected me like that but I'm not about to let her know that. I mean her husbands divorcing her and her daughter's being put in a recovery hospital. She doesn't need to feel any worse than she does. It wouldn't help anyone's case.

  I leaned over and rested my head on my moms shoulder and she laid hers on mine. We stayed like this until we got to our apartment. 

"Is daddy and Daniel inside?" I asked my mom when we pulled up to the building. 

"They are. You know you scared your little brother out of his mind. He broke down. He wants to talk to you." I felt tears once again welling up in my eyes. My little brother actually cares about me. I never thought that would happen. "He doesn't want his big sister hurting like she is. No matter how much it doesn't seem like it, he loves you. Almost as much as I do."

"Thank you," I mumbled and got out of the car. I slipped my hand into my moms and squeezed tightly. She squeezed back. We both headed up the door at the same time.

Diary of A Teenage Nerd (A Liam Payne Fan Fiction) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora