These God Forsaken Boys......

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Raines P.O.V

  "Hey!' I say walking over to the boys. I told my parents I had something to do and I'd meet them home. They didn't question me, but my brother saw the boys and knew what was up.  But I know if he wanted to stay at his rank of popularity then he won't say word to our parents. I waited until my brother and parents left before I walked over towards the boys' table.

"Hey Raines!" Liam says.

"Hey!" The rest of the boys follow, nearly in sync with one another. I slide into the booth, sitting next to Liam. I'm so tiny that I fit in the little space left in the booth.

"So how was the rest of your day?" Louis asks me.

"Well, considering you were with me nearly all day you should know. It was good, another than the fact that I was knocked out," I shrug, looking at the guys. 

"Oh, well that does suck. My goldfish died," Louis admits. I laugh. "My goldfish was very special. It's not funny that he's dead!" He pretends to cry into Harry's shoulder. Which just makes me laugh even harder. Soon enough Liam and Zayn join in, Harry had to put his hand over his mouth trying to keep from laughing. "Now all of my friends are turning against me?! How could you? I trusted you! Now my day has been ruined too!" Louis crosses his arms and pouted.

"We were just kidding Lou!" Liam says, trying to hold back his laughter. 

"Well you sure as hell didn't act like it!" Louis spits. I could tell he's joking though. That's just the type of person Louis is. He's trying to lighten the mood, and I can definitely appreciate that.

"Feisty," I say, settling in a little. 

"Don't steal my catch phrases!" Louis commands. 

"Oh you'll live," I tease, smiling a little. Louis smiled his signature smile. I know he's playing with us like we were playing with him. I love boys who can actually take a joke, unlike most girls. They take everything so seriously that it's almost impossible to joke around with them.

"So you got contacts?" Harry asks me after a minute.

"I've had contacts. I just never have used them," I inform him, looking from the table to Harry. 

"Why not?" Harry asks, looking confused.

"I'm not exactly sure. I just feel like they're a lot of work. And they're expensive."

    We chat about everything really. About our classes, what we did before we came to dinner, and got to know each other a little better. We decide we'd all go to the movies tomorrow. We're going to see Men In Black 3. They're going to pick me up at 12. That way we could grab some lunch then make it to the movie at 1: 30. 

"You sure you got a ride home?" Liam asks as we walk outside. 

   The rain had nearly stopped. It was only sprinkling a little bit now. It's getting a bit cold though. I wish I would've brought my jacket.

"Yeah, my mom's on her way now. I guess I'll see you tomorrow," I lie, offering him a smile. 

   "See ya!" He wraps his arms around me in a big hug. This surprises me. OK, I have a bunch of questions to ask him later. And by a bunch, I mean a bunch. Like, why he started talking to me in the first place, why he's being so nice to me, why he wants to hang out with me. It may seem weird to want to ask him this, but I honestly can't think of any reason why him or the other boys would.

    I hug him back after a second. I stand there and watch the boys drive off. Once they're out of sight, I start walking in the direction to my house. I don't feel like sitting in the car. I want to walk. I like the fresh air and rain against my skin. Even though it's not really rain anymore, just a light drizzle. It still feels good. I take a deep breath and turn right. Hopefully I won't pass any of the boys as they're driving home. That would be hard to explain.

 Liam's P.O.V

   "Man you're doing good so far bro! You've taken it a lot farther than I thought you would've," Zayn says, slapping my shoulder playfully, as I drive towards my house.

  "Don't remind me. I feel like such an ass," I glare at Zayn who's, again, sitting in the passenger seat next to me.

   "Well it's your fault you picked dare. You should know better than to do that by now. Especially while playing Truth or Dare with us," Zayn backfires, giving me a smirk. I roll my eyes and continue driving.

  I hate my friends for doing this. I constantly regret going through with this. I wish I would've refused. So I guess it is my fault. I said yes. I agreed to do it. But I'm just too blind to realize what I'm doing until it's already done. Damn my stupidity. I can't hide it from her  much longer. I'll have to tell her eventually. She'll hate me, but I'm going to have to tell her. Keeping it from her would be worse than telling her.

   The thought of her being mad at me makes my stomach churn. I don't like the feeling. I'm actually starting to like her. I wonder if she's feeling the same about me. If she even is starting to like me, she won't for much longer. Not after she finds out about this.

   "Well you should know by now that something like this could seriously hurt someone," I shoot back at Zayn, still glaring at him.

"Hey at least I didn't give the dare."

"But you encouraged it! You know what we're all asses! Harry you're an ass for daring me to do that. Louis and Zayn you're asses because you encouraged it, and I'm an ass because I went through with it!" I slammed my hand on the steering wheel in frustration.

"Woah, man calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down!" I ignored the boys the rest of the ride back to my house. I can't believe I was still letting them crash at my place. I'd probably go up the attic, climb out the window, and sit on the roof all night. Yeah that's what I'll do. 

"Get out." I jumped out of the car and slammed the door shut as we pulled into my driveway. I saw the boys staring at me from inside the car. "Well get out so I can lock the car." They boys all got out and headed up to the door. I pulled the key out of my pocket and unlocked the door.

"Mom we're home!" I screamed. Oh, yeah. They're on a cruise. I feel very stupid right now. I sighed and headed up to my room.

"OK, look lad, if we knew you'd be this bothered about the dare, we never would've dared you." I knew the voice. It was Louis. I was sitting on the window seat of my bedroom, staring out.

"Well it does bother me, and it's too late to stop it," I said without turning around.

"It is. I'm starting to feel bad too." That was Harry.

"Well, you're not the one doing everything are you?" I see their reflection in the mirror. They were all looking down in shame. Good. They should be. They deserved to be looking down in shame. Why Raines? What had she done wrong? Why did we just HAVE to pick her? She didn't deserve the hurt she would feel when I told her the truth.  It would kill her. It would probably kill me too.  Well if she didn't like me, then it wouldn't kill her as much as it would kill me. It slowly was killing me right now. I'd break down and tell her. She'd be hurt, I'd be hurt, she'd never talk to me again. I could understand that. She'd never trust me, maybe never even trust anyone else. I felt my eyes watering up at her not trusting me, or talking to me, or even looking at me.

   I can't even be mad at just the guys. If I'm going to be mad at them, I need to be mad at myself, too. I'm going through with all of it. It's such a stupid decision. We made a dumb mistake like all teenage boys do, but we definitely messed with someone who didn't deserve it at all.

"Are you going to tell her?" Harry asked. He came and sat down next to me on the window seat.

"I have to." My eyes never left the world outside my bedroom window.


"That I don't know."

"Well the sooner the better, lad." Zayn finally said something. I guess he's starting to come to his senses. 

"That I do know. But the thing that's making it worse is that I think I'm starting to like her." I felt a single tear roll down my face.

Diary of A Teenage Nerd (A Liam Payne Fan Fiction) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now