What The Hell Just Happened?

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 Hey! I apologize for not updating in a while!! I've been soooo busy!! Aren't you shocked about how the last chapter ended? I mean, even I'm shocked!!! Totally not expected right? Well...anywho! Hope you guys like this chapter!! It's going to be a bit depressing though:'( Love you guys! Thanks for still putting up with me and actually reading this!!! Love ya!

Raines' POV 

  I tried to cry. But my body just went numb. I became so numb no tears would fall. I stared at my fingers for what felt like hours before someone came in. I didn't even have to look up long enough to know that it was Harry.

"Raines what the hell just happened? Liam just ran out of here crying! Is everything OK?" That's when I realized what I had done.

"Nothing Harry..." The tears blurred my vision but I wouldn't let them fall. They can't fall. Not now.

"Something happened! It's not like Liam to just cry over nothing!!!"

"I said it was nothing Harry!" I yelled. I immediately regretted yelling at him. He hadn't done anything wrong. He was always there to comfort me. I felt a tear roll down my face. I watched as it landed on the sheet under me. "I broke up with Liam," I whispered.


"I. Broke. Up. With. Liam," I repeated calmly.


"He's leaving. I won't ever see him again. What's the point in continuing the relationship?"

"He loved you Raines!" Harry took my hands in his and looked at me sincerely. I had to look away. The tears were still fresh in my eyes.

"But he also lied to me..." I slipped my hands away from his. "Harry they're going to put me in a hospital and I won't be back in time to say goodbye to you before auditions. So I'm giving you, Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Liam all permission to visit me. I know Liam won't ever want to see me again, but he'll have permission to come see me."

"Raines..." Harry's voice lowered to a whisper.

"Harry don't even try. I know Liam doesn't want to talk to me, but I want you to at least some see me. Now go home and get some sleep." Harry began to shake his head as if both denying everything and taking it all in. "GO HARRY!" I screamed. My voice was weak and fragile and cracked, but I still screamed. He slowly backed out of the room.

  The tears streamed down my face as soon as he was gone. I didn't want to yell at him. But I needed to cry. And I didn't want him to watch me cry as many times as Liam has. And to believe I ever trusted him. I may not trust him anymore, but that'll never stop me from loving him.

Raines' Mom POV

"I already have her paper work ready for The Bradley Center, so if you take her home and get her bags packed then she should be able to leave as soon as she wakes up." I breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Wait The Bradley Center?" I asked the doctor.

"Yes ma'am." He folded his clipboard under his arm. "Your daughter, has severe self harm issues. The Bradley Center will do everything they can to stop this from continuing. I assure you, this will only help." I felt the tears in my eyes as the doctor told me this news. I turned around as I heard a door slam open.

  Liam came running out of the room. He didn't speak to anyone. He seemed to be crying.

"Liam is everything OK?" I tried to ask him when he walked past me. He just ignored me and walked to the elevator. I turned back to the room as Harry was walking in.

  Just a second later he walked out and sat back in the waiting room. I didn't hesitate when I ran into the room where my daughter had been asleep for three days.

Diary of A Teenage Nerd (A Liam Payne Fan Fiction) UNDER SERIOUS EDITINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora