Chapter 3

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Halina's POV:
I bolted awake. The sky was still dark and all I could hear was the soft breathing of Hermione and Ginny. Wait... Only Ginny.

I jumped out of bed and ran towards hermione's bed. It was empty.

My heart thudded and I couldn't believe that Hermione, of all people, would hide something from me. Slipping some shoes on I crept outside in search of Hermione.

Creeping across the corridor was a challenge. Paintings were watching me, most asleep, but other whispering and pointing. Suddenly I heard a patter of feet coming towards me.

Gasping, I hid against the wall, but one man in a painting muttered " I don't think it's all right for children to be roaming the halls of Hogwarts during the night!" I started to panic .

"Please sir no! Please don't! You don't want to make a poor girl suffer?" I tried my best puppy dog eyes.

He faltered for a second and then: " A GIRLS HERE! Just here! AROUND THE CORNER! ROAMING THE HALLS OF HOGWARTS!" With at I was off, running anywhere but away.

I heard the low evil voice of filch and the soft mutter of the painting, telling him where I went.

Leaning against a wall for some breath, it opened and I fell in.

Shutting the door behind me, I looked around the room. It was pitch black except for a door, that had some light in it.

PITTER PATTER! The footsteps of filch and his cat faded away and I breathed out in relief.

Slowly, I crept forward towards the only source of light. Peering inside I could see two figures, entwined around each other. Trying to see who it was, the door creaked and the taller figure whipped around. I ran to a corner and held my breath.

BANG! "Who's there! Show yourself! What did you see?" The figure Came out and I saw it nonetheless other that Draco Malfoy. His perfect face was covered with distress and his normally sleek blond hair was ruffled and messy.
A female voice came from inside the room. "Draco? Who's there?" Came the voice softly. I tried in vain to figure out who it was.

He muttered something and went back inside. The light went off, leaving me in darkness and the two figures came out. They were holding hands. I saw the brief outline of malfoy's face and then they were gone.

Waiting for a few minutes, I tried to figure out what I saw. Then I decided that it's safe and left.

When I got back to the room, Hermione was there sipping a glass of water. "Where did you go?" I asked. She looked up. "just to get a glass of water" she answered.

"Oh just thought I heard something outside," I answered guiltily.

"You know we are sisters right? You don't have to keep anything from me!" She said.

"I know! Same for you!" With that we laughed quietly and went to bed, each dwelling into our own dreams.
Hermione smiled and went to sleep.

YUP! Just saying guys.. I'm wondering whether  should change the title. Give me some new ideas!!

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