9. Regret

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The sound of very loud sirens wakes me up. Ugh my alarm clock.

I take a deep, sharp breath, and open my eyes.

As I stare down at an asleep Daryl confused, memories start to flood back into my head, making me tiredly sigh, and place my head back down on Daryl's chest.

I scrunch Daryl's dirty shirt into a loose ball in my fist, then release it.

Through the night, I suppose we moved around a little. Because, now my head is on his chest, no longer his shoulder, our legs are tangled together, and I can feel Daryl's arm wrapped fully around me.

Suddenly, I hear another siren. And another, and another, making chills tingle up my spine, which gives me a bad feeling in my gut. It's not my alarm clock.

"Daryl." I whisper, giving his chest a pat. "Hey, wake up."

His breath hitches, and his eyes open. He then leans up on his elbow, making me sit up.

He rubs his eyes and looks around with furrowed eyebrows, then at me. His hair is a mess, making me giggle.

"What th' hell's that sound?" He grumbles.

"That's what I'm wondering. Come on."

We both get up, and bolt out of the cabin. I accidentally trip down the stairs, and land on my knees, which I feel both sharp pains in.

"Shit." I mumble, kneeing, then standing up, wincing to see both of my knees are bleeding.

"You 'Kay?!" Daryl asks from behind me.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Whatever, let's just go."

We then keep running towards the loud sirens, which keep on getting louder and louder the more we run through the Georgia wilderness.

Suddenly, to my horror, we run out of the tree line, to my house. Where the noise is.

Which has police cars and officers everywhere.

My stomach drops, and I feel like puking.

I run over, out of breath, to the officers, which are surrounding, and talking too, my parents.

And Teddy.

"Mom!! Dad! Hey, what's going on?!" I yell, making the police officers spread apart, like the Red Sea, for my parents and boyfriend.

My mother shrieks, and runs over to me, wrapping her arms around me, and hugging me tighter than she ever has. I had noticed she was crying.

Teddy then also runs over, and gives me a hug, kissing my head.

"What the hell is going on?!" I say, pushing apart from everyone, who instantly looks surprised by my actions.

"You got kidnapped by him." Teddy points to Daryl, who police officers are now cuffing, making my blood turn cold.

"What?! No. Daryl didn't kidnap me!! What the hell is wrong with you people?!" I yell at them, then run over to Daryl, who is jerking away from a police officer grabbing his hands.

Blind ➳ D.D (Pre-Apocalypse)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora