10. Best brother ever

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What the honest hell is wrong my family.

Every single one of them is so against me, my actions, and my friends. Like what the hell did I do too make the world a disaster?!

Be alive, I guess.

I bite my lip hard, and slam my face into my fluffy pillow, continuing to cry, making it no longer the fluffiest.

I've been doing this for about twenty minutes now. I haven't been keeping track. This is just what I assume.

I suddenly hear the door to my bedroom slowly creak open.

"Your Father says to be down in ten. We're going to church." My Mom says, her voice quiet, and sounds like she just finished crying.

I damn knew it.

"I'm not going." I say, my voice shaky and sore, muffled through the pillow.

"Yes. You are."

The door then closes.

I look up with a cold glare.

I then scream, and throw one of my plush pillows against the door. It bounces off of it, and flops onto the ground.

Whatever. I don't even care.

Taking a huge huff, I stand up off of my bed wiping my damp cheeks, and walk over to my vanity, deciding what to apply onto my upset face.


Me and my Father never exchanged looks, only glances, as we have now made out way into the church, which we have found out the whole ceremony was almost over.

Teddy never came. He always comes to church with us. Maybe, he was the one who might have discovered I wasn't in my room. Or how my family had said it over and over; gotten 'kidnapped'.

As our preacher reads a testimony in the bible, I hear Luke, who's sitting beside me, whisper something, but I can't quite make it out.


"Are you okay?"

I squint my eyes at him. Luke has never asked me if I'm fine, ever. Or from what I remember.

I sigh and slowly nod.

"Kind of...I guess."

Suddenly, a moment later, I feel his hand sneak into mine.

If I wasn't in a tough, very hard, place in my life, I would have thought this was disgusting, or just a joke, and would have slapped his hand away.

But I smile, as I squeeze my hand in his, feeling my body start to warm up a little, and not just because of the hot, Georgia summer days starting to approach.

He would only do something like this in times of hurt or need.

This time, being both I suppose.


After church finished, in which we had only been there for less than ten minutes, my family made our way out of the building, and are all starting to trudge back to our cars.

I still haven't made eye contact with my Dad. I'm actually quite surprised he wouldn't have came up to me by now and told me that I was going to get my phone took away from me, or something like that.

My parents are usually the people who do that kind of stuff.

Luke and I had always learnt our lessons when we were younger. Maybe that's how I turned out to grow up to be the person I am today.

The plain me. Holly Underwood.

I ain't really hearing any trumpets playing behind me, with streamers flying everywhere, wherever I go.

Just plain, old simple me.

As I'm almost at the passengers back door, in my parents vehicle- that I decided I would go in, instead of my own, for if I did take my own car, my Dad would probably be really pissed at me, and give me the silent treatment more, for he probably doesn't trust me too much- I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder.

I turn around, to see Luke standing there.

He gives me a crooked smile, and stands up straight.

As he does, I can't help but notice how tall he really is. When we were younger, he was that awkward short type, still taller then me though, and always will be. Through his teenage years, he grew like there was no tomorrow, and now, he's taller then my Dad.

Also, thinking about back when he held my hand in the church, he really did mature quickly. Sure, he's still a normal guy, laughing about the stupidest things you could ever imagine with his friends, but he will go from a clown, to serious in less then a minute.

But, of course. We're brother and sister. And we will always tease each other. We actually have a pretty good relationship.

I look up at him and give him a small smile back.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask.

"I'm taking you to the police station."

I feel my heart skip a beat at his answer.

"Wait, what?"

He then looks over my shoulder and does a small wave. I crane my neck around, to see Mom staring at him through the window from inside the vehicle.

"I'm just going to take Holly home, 'Kay?!" He calls.

My Mom opens her mouth, looks to the drivers side, which my Dad is in, pausing for a minute, then turns back to us.

"Ok, but be back at the house soon."

"We will, don't worry."

We both turn around, to head over to his truck. I gives him a side hug, as he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Your the best brother ever." I squeal, while squeezing the living day lights out of him.

"Yeah, I know."

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