11. A warning

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Luke and I have been sitting in his truck together in silence, listening to the low buzz of the familiar tune of radio music playing, while trees get fewer and fewer all around us, as we make our way into town.

I glance over at him, who's so focused on driving swiftly, he doesn't seem to notice me starring.

He has changed so much. Just like Daryl has also.

Unlike me. I've stayed the same pretty much all my life it feels.

Like before, Luke grew very fast. His old, choppy, dirty blonde hair, has turned into a light blonde, surfer hair look. His face is now way more defined, along with his whole body, which is major tanned.

I don't doubt he gets a lot of girls.

Speaking of girls, I've been so caught up in my own drama, I actually have no clue what's going on with Luke. Even though we've been living together since forever, we just kind of keep our lives to ourselves.

"So." I say, folding my hands in my lap. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

He chuckles, and glances over at me, then back to the road.

"Nope. But, there is one girl that I'm thinking I'd like to take out on a date sometime."

I nod.


"What about you? What's up with Daryl and Teddy? Which one are you dating?"

"I'm dating Teddy!! Well, I think I still am. But, Daryl is just my friend. Hell, basically my best friend. And I wouldn't cheat on Teddy."

Suddenly, the truck pulls to a stop. I look up, to see we're now at the station.

Feeling my heart begin to beat harder, and faster, I hop out of the truck, and start to run up to the main doors.

They then suddenly swing violently open, before I even get a chance to grab the handle.

Out walks Daryl.

I gasp, and basically jump onto him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I can feel his body tense up, but after a few seconds, I think he realizes it's just me, then hugs back.

"Daryl." I whisper, pulling back, and looking into his blue eyes. "I'm so sorry."

He blinks a few times, and opens his mouth, but then closes it, and nervously swallows.

"It's fine, they jus' gave me a warnin'"

"What kind of warning?"

He stares to the side, and takes a minute before he finally looks down at me, sighing.

"I uh...ain't allowed ta be seen with you outside 'f school."

I look at him hard.

"What? Why?!"

"Yer parents told the cops they didn't want you ta be 'round me."

I bite my lip, and fall back, from standing on my tip toes, soon realizing that I had my arms wrapped around Daryl's neck, his around my waist.

"So...uh, we should maybe get out of here." I say quietly.


I then turn around, and face my brother, who is now busy talking to a random brunette girl who just randomly showed up out of know random where.

"Luke." I call over to him. He nods at the girl with a genuine looking smile, as she hands him a piece of paper, soon walking away, towards the police station, which she walks inside too.

He then turns his head over to me. He looks like he has a dreamy look on his face, making me roll my eyes.

"Can you take Daryl and I-"


I turn around, confused, for why Daryl would interrupt me.

"I think I'm jus' goin' ta head home."

"Okay...you don't even want a ride?" I ask quietly.

He shakes his head, and shoves his hands deep into his jean pockets.

"I'll, uh, see ya tomorrow." He says, giving me a crooked, half smile, then turns around, and walks away.

"Yeah. Bye." I murmur, watching him walk alone. I guess I will see him tomorrow because of school, which is the only place I'm unfortunately supposed to see him.

"So, what now?" Luke suddenly asks.

I turn to the truck, and slowly trudge over, feeling very glum.

"We head home. I guess."


Sorry for such the short, boring chapter! The upcoming ones will be way better.

If you guys want something else to read, go check out my (Supernatural) Sam Winchester love story! It would mean so much to me!

Ok, bye for now guys!


Blind ➳ D.D (Pre-Apocalypse)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora