13. Overprotective parents raise the best liars

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Teddy holds his fist up again, stomping towards Daryl, who seems a little dazed and unfocused.

"Teddy no!!" I scream and drop my books onto the pavement, not really giving a care about them and sprint forward.

All eyes turn on me, including Daryl's.

I see Teddy glance at Daryl, who's distracted by me and using his given chance, sucker punches him right in the eye.


Daryl stumbles backwards again, but then to my surprise, attacks back at Teddy, throwing and swinging fists.

Teddy seems a little startled at Daryl's sudden boost of power and raises his arms over his head for self-defence.

Suddenly, two of Teddys friends unwrap their arms around their grinning girlfriends shoulders and grab Daryl from behind, pulling him onto the ground, then pinning him down.

Daryl struggles and try's to jerk away, but they seem to hold him even harder.

Teddy slowly starts to walk around Daryl, like a hawk stalking its prey. Except, Teddy's already got his own prey right in front of him. On the ground, helpless.

Everything starts to go into slow motion.

Teddy stops pacing and lifts his foot behind him, then swings it forward into Daryl's ribcage making him close his eyes and groan.

I open my mouth, but words can't seem to form. It feels as if my vocal cords forgot how to work.

Once I get close enough, with hot, upset tears forming in my eyes, I drop down to Daryl's opposite side from where he got kicked by Teddy and place my hands on his face, caressing his cheeks.

The others have stood up and backed away a bit, gloating in their victory of hurting Daryl, which I have no clue why the hell they would even do.

"Babe, why are you helping him? I'm doing you a favour. Now you don't have to deal with that redneck trash all the time, acting like a puppy at your heels. Before you know it, he's going to assault you," Teddy says, causing my blood to boil.

That's what he thinks this is? Daryl perhaps taking me around an alleyway and God damn raping me? Or even hurting me?

"You son of a bitch," I mumble, not making eye contact with any of those cowards except for Daryl, who's eyes are barely squinted open. Especially the one he got punched on.



"Jeez, calm your tits," some girl says, making them all horridly laugh. "It was a joke."

"A joke? How could you say beating someone who did nothing wrong is a joke. Lord have mercy on all of you," I say and turn my attention over to Daryl who seems to be blacking out. "Daryl, hey, stay awake. Please, come on."

"You're so stuck up. Can't you learn to laugh?" Another girl with heavy makeup comments making me glare daggers at her.

"You know what really is funny? You're all proof that God has a sense of humour," I spat and shake my head. What is wrong with these sick people?

"Let's just leave."

"Yeah, your girlfriend ruined all the fun, Teddy."

"Beers on me at my place!"

I glance up at Teddy as he leaves with his no for good friends. His eyes are dark and filled with so much hatred it makes me want to look away, but for some reason I just can't.

That isn't my boyfriend. It's someone completely different.


Finally I had gotten a weak Daryl to stand up and using my help we managed to slowly walk over to his truck.

He got into the passengers side while I took drivers. The two of us drove in silence, other then Daryl's heavy breathing and the low, staticky rumble on the radio.

I took him to the cabin and brought him onto the bed. I then left back to my house, explaining to my parents and Luke that I was going to be staying overnight at a friends house for a project we would be working on late at night.

They agreed, but only if that 'friend' wasn't Daryl, which made me pissed on the inside, yet keep my cool on the out.

There is one thing I've learnt throughout the years. People, adults, teachers all know I am a honest person. I barely tell a lie unless I really have too. But, being raised by overprotective parents has made me a very convincing liar. Which is seeming to be very handy.

I told them that it wasn't Daryl without hesitation. They never blinked or anything. Surprising, they believed me.

I snuck a first aid kit, a blanket, and a bit off food from the kitchen and stuffed it into a backpack, taking it back to the cabin with me in darkness.

Luckily my phone flashlight and the moonlight guided me most of the way until I saw the old shack.

Currently right now, I've got Daryl and all his cuts and bruises mended the best I could on his body and I'm just sitting beside him on the bed, feeding him pieces of cutup fruit out of a container.

"You don' have ta' do this," he grumbles with a strawberry in his mouth.

"Don't be an ass. Of course I want to do this."

I put my hand under his jaw and carefully lift it upwards, examining his swollen right eye.

"Fuck, th' chin."

"Sorry," I giggle, forgetting he had got punched there also and remove my hand off of his face and back into the fruit container, popping a green grape into my mouth.

Heaving a sigh, I lay down beside him onto my back. Both of our heads are propped up on worn out pillows I had found in the closet down the hallway.

"I'm so sorry about what happened today," I say quietly.

"It wasn't yer' fault."

"What even happened?" I ask, gazing up at Daryl.

"I was jus' walkin' out to ma truck ta get somethin', when one guy suddenly grabbed me an' shoved me behind th' buildin'. They all started talkin' shit 'bout me and you, so I lost et an' that's when me and yer boyfriend started ta fight."

It's silent for a minute while I contemplate all of this.

"Teddy isn't like that. I hope you know. He's not usually the one to fight..." My voice drifts off at the end of my sentence. "Anyways, we should try to get some sleep. I want you to be rested up."

Daryl grunts and I peer up at him, then without really thinking, give his cheek a quick peck.

I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes.

"Goodnight Daryl."


I then fell asleep for the second time in this cabin with my best friend.

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