14. Apple pies, rainy days, and Merle Dixon

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I wake up shivering and cuddled up close to Daryl who's still asleep with his arm wrapped around me, granting me a bit of body heat for warmth.

I grab a blanket, I brought over last night, at our feet and pull it over us.


Looking up, I find that Daryl's eyes are open and he's staring down at me, now giving my back a rub.

"Hi," I whisper and snuggle my head on his chest, staring down at his needing to be washed shirt. "Do you want to skip school today?"

"Hell yeah."

I giggle and ball a handful of his button up in my hand, then release it. Things about yesterday suddenly hit me hard and I close my eyes, wishing that none of the events ever have to replay again.

What Teddy did to Daryl was something that I've never seen him do before. It's like a completely different side just unleashed the worst in him.

I told Teddy that Daryl was a great guy. Something I'm one hundred percent positive is that Daryl wouldn't dare lay a finger on me if it would harm me in anyway possible. But still, why would Teddy do that and disrespect my trust?

"Daryl," I say, quietly.

He grunts.

"Why is the world so cruel?"

"Don' know. It's jus' a piece 'f shit."


After our small talk we had fell back asleep for a bit, then once we woke up discovered, with the help of my phone, that it was almost the afternoon.

Daryl and I shared the rest of the food I had brought, together. Once we were getting bored and felt stuffy in the cabin, we decided to take a walk.

The two of us are now walking in slow silence as the trees around us violently shake from the huge gusts of wind, making leaves fall down occasionally onto our heads and the ground.

The feeling of coolness and the aroma of dew sink into me but I don't mind, it feels nice apart from the cabin.

"Remember how you told me that you might have wanted help in school?" I say loudly towards Daryl, who has his sweater hood up over his head.


"I was just thinking this morning. And...what do you want to do after highschool? I mean, we literally only have a month left. Hallelujah."

He looks at me with slightly furrowed eyebrows.

"I thought ya' liked school."

"No. Not really," I admit and shrug my shoulders. "It's whatever I guess. But anyways..." I urge him on to continue.

He shrugs also and makes a grunt like sound.

"Don' know. Never really thought 'bout et."

"Well, you should be a secret agent. You can kick people's asses while looking badass at the same time. Also, you'd be able to steal anything you wanted."

He snorts.

"I'm good at stealin'. That's 'bout it."

Blind ➳ D.D (Pre-Apocalypse)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora