Chapter 4: IPhones and Fights

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Hey everyone this chapter is dedicated to






Chapter 4: IPhones and Fights


"Hey!" I say as I walk in the door.

"Hey how was school?" Dani I mean mum asks me.

"It was good." I tell her.

"That's good to hear." She smiles.

"So mum, I was wondering if I could have a sleepover with my six new friends on Saturday? Like here?" I ask.

"Of course you just have to ask your dad." She says.

"Really! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Where is he?" I ask.

"In the theater." She laughs.

I run for the theater.

"Hey Li- I mean Dad." I blurt.

"Hey how was school?" He asks.

"Good." I tell him.

"I have to ask you two things." I tell him.

"Ok go ahead." He says.

"So, I was wondering if I could have a sleepover here with six of my new friends on Saturday?" I ask.

"Is it ok with Dani?" He asks me.

"Yup, I already talked to her!" I smile.

"Then I guess it's ok." He laughs.

I give him a hug.

"So what's the second thing?" He asks.

"Oh right! Can I get a phone?" I ask.

"I guess so I mean your are 14." He smiles.

"YES!" I scream.

Niall runs into the room.

"What happened! Did someone die or is someone getting a phone!" He smiles.

"PHONE!" I yell.

"Yes I knew it!" He screams.

We start doing the happy dance and jump all around.

I liked Niall.


The next morning was silent.

'That's weird.' I thought.

I walked downstairs to find nothing. I walk to all of the boys rooms. No Zayn, Niall, Lou, Harry, Perrie, El, Dani or Liam.

"HELLO!" I shout.

No answer. I walk to the kitchen and find a note.


The driver will take you to school. El, Perrie and I had to work today and the boys are recording. Have a good day! Lunch is in the fridge. Also your phone is on the table. ;) See you later.

-Dani (Mum)

I run upstairs and throw on some clothes. A light pink shirt and some dark shorts. I throw on some light pink flip flops and go to the bathroom. I brush my hair, wash my face, brush my teeth and run downstairs. I grab my lunch and homework that Liam just had to check. I run to the table and see an I PHONE!

"Ahhhhhhh!" I scream.

Oh wait no one is here! I throw my phone in my bag and run to the car.

"Hello Ms. Lena." The driver says.

"Hello Marty!" I say back.

We get to school in 5 short minutes. I say a quick thank you and goodbye to Marty. I see my group of friends and run over to them.

"Hey." Sam yells when she sees me.

"Hey Sam! Hey girls!" I say.

"Hey!" They all yell.

"I asked Liam and Dani. I mean my mum and dad and they said we are so on for tomorrow night." I tell them.

"Yeah!" They all yell.

"Guys everyone is staring at us." Maya says looking down.

I look around and everyone is sure enough staring at us. I mean everyone! No one was talking and all eyes were on us. Without thinking I yell,

"Hey everyone sorry if we interrupted your conversations we were just yelling because we are having a sleepover at my house so sorry!" I yell. Everyone goes back to their conversations. I turn back to the girls and we all burst out laughing.

"Oh my goodness did you see their faces!" Jess yells.

"Yeah!" Mara says laughing.

I look up to see the plastics coming our way.

"Oh look who it is." I say.

The girls all look up.

"Erg! What do you want!" Abby says to plastic number one.

"I told you new girl to stop lying!" She yells at me.

"Your just jealous because you will never meet Liam and the boys. I get to see them everyday. So really there is no need to be mean to me." I spat at her.

"Your lying just to have friends! I know everything about Liam and he didn't adopt a child!" She yells in my face.

"Clearly you don't know everything about Liam because this is Lena Payne right in front of you Taylor!" Lexy yells.

"Wow, Lexy the dumb blond can talk!" Taylor shouts.



"Excuse you!" She snaps.

"You heard me!" I yell.

"Look new girl I run the school so back off! I've been here longer and everyone loves me." She spits.

"Like who!" I ask.

"Everyone!" She yells.

"Don't you mean nobody!" I correct her.

"I can ruin your life, like I said new girl, I run the school!" She snaps.

"Not anymore!" I yell after her walking away.




-Riss1020 :)

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