twenty-one | friends

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Liam woke up to the annoying sound of his phone, his alarm going off at the same time every morning; although he laid in his bed a bit longer for two reasons. The first reason being, there wasn't a morning lacrosse practice and Liam didn't have to get to school earlier than he liked. The second reason was James had his arm draped across his back, it wasn't like it was the night of the bonfire. This time James was on his stomach, facing the opposite way, still snoring loudly, but he still managed to keep Liam calmer.

"Shut that fucking thing up before I chuck it out the window." James muttered annoyed, Liam reached towards the floor and turned his alarm off. James groaned annoyed, moving his arm and using his strength; which wasn't much in the morning to push himself off the bed. Liam watched James' fix his shirt, his chest slightly visible. "If you keep staring I'll start thinking you're gay, and you've made it very clear that you aren't." James said in a teasing tone, Liam rolled his eyes but looked away as he got up. James was about to grab his phone from the desk when he was hit the head but clothes. "I have clean clothes."

"Oh." Liam mumbled, noticing that James had his lacrosse bag; from the practice the previous day. "Do you need to shower?" James nodded, grabbing his extra set of clothes, and placing Liam's on his bed. Liam grabbed some towels as he led James to the bathroom. "I'll be down stairs by time you're done."

James when handing in his math test, knew he failed. When handing in his history test, he knew he failed. He was upset, and he was frustrated by that. He ran his fingers through his hair as he walked out of the locker room. Mason and Liam were already in there, the older boy had told them that he would meet them there. Mason was using the hand weights, while Liam went to do bench presses. Liam was adding weights that not even James would try. "That's a lot of weight." James commented, heading towards a bar to do some pull ups.

"I have to get ready for the game tomorrow." Liam said after sitting on the bench. James reached up to the bars, as he nodded. James really didn't want to play and was considering just skipping and staying home instead. Owen would never let him, James would get a lecture on how the team was depending on him and James would rather play the game than get the lecture. He had heard the lecture multiple times before, the first time he skipped game. Although that was an accident, he had gotten high and fallen asleep at his at the time girlfriend's house.

There were a few other times, most were because James was either high or because he was suspended. He wasn't sure how he remained on the team so long, and played he was on first line.

"Do you need a spot?" Mason asked, James pulled himself up and then lowered himself as he listened to their conversation. His record before the bite was fifteen in a row and that was him pushing himself. James wanted to see how much strength since turning into a werewolf he had gained. He wanted to see how many pull ups he could do in a row before getting tired.

"No." Liam shook his head. James was up to twelve pull ups at this point. "Do you?" Liam asked, trying to tease Mason for him only using the hand weights at eight pounds each. Liam laid down on the bench, and placing his hands around the bar about to lift them when Mason moved.

"This is my warm up you ass." Mason went to put his weights down, and spot Liam. James rolled his eyes and dropped to the ground at twenty two pull ups. He wasn't tired yet, he just knew that Liam wasn't going to be happy with Mason spotting him and James wanted to try and help Mason the best he could.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Liam asked, his tone was filled with anger and confusion.

"He's spotting you, that's over three hundred pounds. Don't be a jackass." James spoke in a similar tone as Liam, Mason frowned as the two fought again. "Not even you could lift that." James glanced at the weights.

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