Have you heard about her? •Chapter 9

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Derek entered the school looking for Scott. His face is pale and he's dragging himself through the hallways as people pump into him. He stops and lifts his head up and he spots Jackson.

He walks up to him and asked, "Where's Scott McCall?"

He looked at him and closed his locker and asked,"Why should I tell you?"

"Because I asked you politely, and I only do that once." Derek replied.

"Hmm." Jackson scoffed, "Okay, tough guy. You know, how about I help you find him if you tell me what you're selling him? What is it? Is it, uh, Dianabol? Hmm? HDH?"

"Steroids." Derek scoffed.

"No, girls scout cookies."Jackson said sarcastically. "What the hell do you think I'm talking about? Oh and uh, by the way, whatever it is you're selling, I'd probably stop sampling the merchandise. You look wrecked."

Derek felt how blood was tripping from his bullet wound and it reached his fingers. He clenched his fist and said "I'll find him myself."

Jackson grabbed his shoulder and said"No, we're not done here..."

He got cut off my Derek slamming him aganst the lockers and he dug his claws in his neck. He left and he leaned against the wall, trying to use his superhearing to find the beta.

"Scott's coming over? Tonight?" Lydia asked.

"We're just studying together." Allison replied as Nicole rolled her eyes as she walked next to them. Nicole smelt the blood.

"Just studying never ends with just studying. It's like...Getting into a hot tub-- somebody eventually cops a feel." Lydia said.

"Well, so what are you saying?" "Allison asked, clueless.

"I'm just saying, you now, make sure he covers up." Lydia said, but Allison still doesn't get it.

"Use a condom, snow white." Nicole replied annoyed. The hybrid concentrates and hears heavy breathing. It's Derek.

"I gotta go." Nicole said to the girls and takes off to find Derek. Derek covered his ears as the bell rung.

Nicole could smell the blood from where she was and she followed the smell. As she saw the older beta she approached him. Derek groaned at the sight of her, again. But still a little bit relieved.

"Where's Scott?" Derek asked her.

"He should be outside." She replied and put his arm over her shoulder and she wrapped her arm around his waist and they made their way outside. The Original spotted Stiles and they made their way to stop him from driving away.

"Oh, my God." Stiles said as he slammed the brakes. "They are everywhere."

Derek clutched Nicole's side tightly and buries his head in the crook of her neck. The cars behind Stiles' car keep honking and people are staring at them. Scott ran towards the jeep.

"What the hell? What are you doing here?" Scott asked the werewolf, slightly panicking.

"I was shot." Derek answered.

"He's not looking so good, dude." Stiles stated the obvious.

"Why aren't you healing?" Scott asked.

"I can't. It was--it was a different kind of bullet." Derek hissed in pain.

"A silver bullet?" Stiles asked stupidly.

"No, you idiot." Derek and Nicole said in unison.

"Wait, wait. That's what she meant when she said you had 48 hours." Scott said.

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