Chapter Seventeen

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I woke up the next morning to breakfast in bed. So I flipped the tray over on top of Chris, Fidel, and Thunder. Lucus was standing in the corner, smirking. I got up and ran to him, hyperventilating. He enveloped me in his arms, making me bury my head in his chest. I could hear the others getting over the shock of spilt orange juice and eggs all over them.

"What the hell was that for, Sky?!"

I couldn't answer. I was still hyperventilating. However much I wanted to punch Lucus because I know he made them give me breakfast in bed, I couldn't. Why? Simple. Because this is the closest we've been for months, or so it seems. I was enjoying his warmth, if only for a little bit.

"Oh, didn't I tell you? Sky hates being awoken so abruptly. It gives her a terrible scare," Lucus answered for me, resting his head on top of mine.

"How do you know this? AND WHY WOULD YOU SET US UP? I'm so sorry, Sky," Thunder said.

"I learned the hard way. Felt like pranking someone," Luke replied, cockily.

I pulled away from him, even though he didn't completely let go of me, to glare at him.

"Well you gave me a heart attack, so... Seriously, Luke. Not. Cool."

"Ahh, come on! That's ALL he gets? Last Wednesday, I stole a cookie from you and you hung me from the roof!" Fidel complained.

"Shushes..." I said, as I stormed out of the room.

"Ah, come on, Sky! It was just a joke. Please?" Luke said, suddenly right behind me. How'd he get there?

"Nup!" I jumped on the banister and slid down to the floor, but as I turned the corner to go out the front door, I nearly ran right into Lucus. Stupid teleporting warlocks.

I, however, only got to get one good look at the smirk on his face, before he swung me over his shoulder and began running upstairs. Next thing I know, I'm being thrown back onto my bed, whose sheets the guys must've removed because of the breakfast in bed. I glanced back up, to see all four guys at the end of the bed, so, naturally, I noticeably scooted back on the bed.

"Operation fun gun," Chris said, before running out of the room.

"Wha-" Before I could say any more, I was grabbed by the ankles, and dragged back to the end of the mattress, and Chris ran back in with some rope. Before my brain could process what was going on, the rope had already been tied around my left wrist and one banister of the bed. And these banisters go all the way up to the ceiling.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I asked, beginning to panic. My eyes began to well up with tears. "You do remember my kidnapping, right? I'm not exactly over that!"

"Oh my God, Sky, I'm so sorry, I..." Luke said, already kneeling in front of me as I frantically sat by the ropes, pulling at them.

"No, wait," Chris said, just as Luke was about to untie my ropes, "She's faking. Just like Cynthia did."

"Well, shit," I said, still trying to pull at my bonds.

"You sneaky little..." Lucus started.

"I'm still freaking out, guys! What the hell are you doing?!"

"Well, you've been with us for about four months now, right?" Fidel asked.

"I don't know; I don't keep track of time."

"Well, you have," Chris said, "So we are simply initiating you into the family. Just like we did with Cynthia. Just like we will do to Thunder. Luke, she's all yours."

And with that, my beloved Chris, Fidel, and Thunder leave me with my boyfriend, who is slowly going psycho. On the way out, Chris mouthed 'Good luck' to me as he shot a nervous glance at Lucus.

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