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"What the hufflepuff?" Laura asked in confusion as she walked in the door. She'd just gone grocery shopping only to find Carmilla in an odd spot upon her return. She set the paper bag down on the counter and walked over, looking up at the other girl. "Carm?"

"Hmm?" The vampire looked down from her perch on the refrigerator, lazily tilting her head a bit.

"Um.. Whatcha doing?" Laura gave her a weird look.

"What do you mean?"

"You're.. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, why?"

"You don't seem to be noticing you're on the fridge, Carm."

"Oh." Carmilla looked down, seemingly noticing where she was for the first time. She looked back at Laura. "So I am."

"Yeah.. Why?" Laura was concerned for her girlfriend's mental health at this point.

"Why what?" Carmilla arched an eyebrow.

"Carm. Come on," she sighed.

"Get down here. Please?"

"I'm good," Carm stretched out, laying on her side.

Laura shook her head, deciding to let her do whatever. She began putting the food away, and heard a small thump behind her. Someone tapped her shoulder and she turned around, Carmilla taking her by surprise with a kiss. The vampire grinned afterwards. "Happy?"

"Very. What was that for?"

"What was what for?" Carm winked as she headed into the living room.
Laura shook her head in disbelief, letting out a small chuckle as she finished up.

"I love you way too much," she informed her girlfriend as she walked into the living room, laying down on the sofa and snuggling into her.

Carmilla smiled and kissed the back of her head, not dropping her gaze from the television screen. "Good."

A/N: These are all really short all of a sudden, sorry about that XD

Carmilla (Hollstein) One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now