Finding Him Out

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"Phil will be ready to be picked up from the hospital soon, would you mind coming his way?"
"Sure, sure. Just give me a few hours."
"Yes, Dan. Thank you."
"Thomas, I'm going out for a bit, don't touch my shit." I snap at my roommate.
"Yes, Dan.." He says, making sad, puppy dog eyes.
"Cover for me, will you?" I say angrily.
"I-I guesssss.." He says, moving his blonde fringe onto his big, blue eyes.
I open the door and head to my car.

'Cause they got methods of keeping you clean..
A song starts when I turn on my car.
I somehow never get tired of MCR, I don't care if it makes me emo, bad, scene, or even an evil person. I just like MCR.
I can't believe I have to go pick up Phil.
A YouTuber!
Okay, okay, keep your cool, no smiling. You're tough. You're mean. You're cold.
I sigh deeply, I look at my eyes in the mirror in front of me.
I narrow them slowly, making evil eyes.
Hours and hours of driving. I could be in school right now. I could be getting my education.
Well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say..
I turn the volume up, so I can hear the song more clearly.
"Heh. This is one of my favorite songs.." I say to myself, softly smiling.
I'm not okay..
I'm not okay..
"Huh. This reminds me of Phil." I say to myself.
"You know, because he's in the hospital." I giggle.
"Oh shit!!" I yell, as I run a traffic light, indicating 'stop'.
Cops follow behind me, asking me to pull over.
I obey.
I slump down into my seat, awkwardly as the police approaches me.
"Aha, Daniel! I knew I'd see you again." A familiar policeman says, smirking at me with pride.
"Excuse me?" I say, angrily.
"Daniel Howell. You have quite a reputation!"
"Hurry this shit. I have to be at the hospital in an hour. I don't have the time for your irrelevant small talk." I sass.
He swiftly hands me a ticket and moves along.
I drive quickly, watching carefully for traffic lights ahead.

Tired of being what you want me to be, feeling so faithless, lost under the surface.
"Ah, Linkin Park. Haven't heard them in a while." I say biting my pierced lip excitedly.
I've become so numb,
I can't feel you there!
My eyes widen when I realize that I've passed the hospital without notice.
"Shit!" I yell taking a sharp turn, dashing to the parking lot.
"Made it.." I say, with a sigh.
I get out of the car, and lock the doors.
Why am I so worried about Phil? Why did I even come here?
I narrow my eyes, put my gloved hands in my tight pockets, then furrow my pierced eyebrows, intimidatingly as I walk inside.
I don't want to be here anymore. This is pointless.
As I turn around,
I turn,
It is!
It is Phil Lester!
How did I not notice?
"Ph-Phil??" I stammer.
"How'd you remember my name?"
"Well.. Come on, jackass." I say, pushing him outside of the door, roughly.
"Man, you gotta calm yourself."
I roll my eyes.
"Getting in or what?"
"Get in then."
"Sorry, Dan." Phil says, stepping into the car.
How'd he.. What?
"How'd you know my name?"
"You commented on my video! Plus the nurse confirmed it."
"I see." I say, huffing angrily.
"You don't need to be so mad all the time."
"Well I am."
"Why so?"
"None of your concern.."
"You were nice online?"
"Well.." I huff, not being able to think of a clever response.
"Just shut the fuck up." I say starting my car.
"Don't you want to know where I live?" He whines.
"Sure. Where you want to be dropped off at?" I say, concentrating on the road.
"Just a university, not far from here. About two hours away." He says, pointing to the left turn.
I nod, then turn left.
"Okay, you have to turn your MCR off to hear my directions." He says, turning my radio off.
"Okay. But first of all, don't touch my shit." I say, slapping him hard in the face.
"Second of all, where to next, Phil?"
"Just take a sharp right."
I roll my eyes, taking a right.
"Danny, why do you hate me?" He says, solemnly.
"Where to next, Philly?" I say, mockingly, ignoring his question.
"You didn't answer my question." He says, motioning to the right.
I turn right, ignoring his statement.
"Dan." He says in annoyance.
"Teenagers scare the living shit outta me.." I mumble while humming the tune.
"Danny!" He shouts.
"No!" I shout, slightly louder than Phil, showing my dominance.
"We're here. Just park here." He says rolling his eyes.
I park. I then realize that..
He goes to the same university as me..
"FOR FUCKS SAKE!" I shout, grabbing Phil's arm, jerking him out of the car.
"Ow! I just got bandaged there!" He whines.
"I don't give a shit! You don't go here, do you?!"
"Since when?? I thought you were a teenager!"
"Actually no, I'm actually 22 years old." He says, in annoyance.
"Oh. Why do you have to go HERE?!"
"Is that bad?"
"Yes! I go here!"
"Oh." He giggles.
"I'm a freshman here!" I shout, baring my teeth.
"Well, great! We go to school together! I just started here. I'm slightly older than you, though. I just hesitated to go here when I was 18." He giggles.
"Oh, shut up! Walk yourself then!" I say, pushing him on the concrete.
"Okay, Dan.. See you later!"
I leave a firm punch on his face, making him bleed from his nose, as to I have like four rings on.
"Ow! Well, I'll forgive you, Danny." He says, walking away with his hands in his pockets.
"Good fucking riddance.." I mumble, turning off my car.
I pull out my phone, I play the loudest song I have on my playlist as I walk to the school, behind Phil.

So darken your clothes! Or strike a violent pose! Maybe they'll leave you alone! But not me!

I bite my pierced lip, when I hear Phil speak on his cell phone.
"Hey mum. Yes, yes, I'm okay. I rode here with a friend called Dan."
Oh my god.. He called me his.. Friend? I've never had a ...friend... Before.. How could he say that about me?..
"Yes, he's really kind. Although he tries to be tough, I see right through those piercings." He giggles to his mum.
Kind? No. Fuck no. I'm tough. I'm mean. I'm cold.
"In fact, I'm with him now! He's trailing behind me." He mumbles to his mum, turning around slowly to look at me.
A pink blush spreads across my cheeks, while I bite my pierced lip.
"Yeah, yeah. Look mum, I'll see you later. Gotta talk to Danny." He says, smirking at me.
"What is it, Phil? I'm just walking to the school.." I say, trying to hide my red face with my dark fringe.
"Awe, Danny. You're blushing! I knew you were more than a tough guy." He giggles, wiping his still bloody nose.
"Shut up." I say, making intimidating eyes at him.
"You don't need to put on this act. I know you're really kind at heart!"
I take out one of my earbuds, glaring at him.
"You think I'm.. Kind at fucking heart? My heart is as dark as my fringe, you idiot. I don't care about you, I never will." I say, biting my pierced lip, angrily and furrowing my pierced brows.
"Dan. I'll see you later." He says, making his pink lips into a smile and holding the glass door open for me.
I growl at him, then I walk into the school.
He giggles.
I growl again, storming to my dorm.
"Thomas, what time is it?" I say firmly.
"Uhm.. 12:00pm. So.. Lunch." He says, looking frightened.
"Oh. I missed a lot. I'll just eat lunch here." I say, throwing myself onto my bed.
"If y-you're eat-ting here.. I-I'll eat i-in the ca-cafeteria.." He says, stammering, leaving the room slowly.
I nod to the door, putting my earbuds in my ears.
He runs out of the room, swiftly.
I take out some crisps, maltesers, and a ham sandwich.
"I'm better off alone. With no one. I'm too evil to have friends.." I say to myself, sadly.
I glare at myself in the mirror above Thomas' bed, directed at me.
"Go away, scum." I say to my reflection.
I smile to myself. "Huh.. I've never seen myself smile before.. It's actually quite nice." I say, grinning bigger.
Knock knock
I quickly frown, furrowing my pierced brows.
"Come in!" I say, angrily.
"Ugh, what is it, Phil?!" I say angrily.
"Thought you might need a lunch buddy!" He says, happily throwing his bandaged body on my bed.
I roll my eyes, turning my music up.
"What a.. Unique bed.." He says, stroking my black covers and staring at my anime pillow.
I continue eating, staring angrily at Phil.
"My bed is green. Well, my covers are. It's blue and green actually. I have plushies in my room." He giggles, looking at the dark paintings around my side of the room.
I nod angrily. Then I look at my reflection again.
I look so conniving.. So terrifying.. How could Phil be nice to a face like this? I wouldn't hang out with me.
"Oh, I see. You're staring at your reflection. You are quite handsome, considering your hideous piercings." Phil giggles.
"Hm?" I say, taking one of my earbuds out.
"You heard me." Phil blushes.
"Mm." I simply say.
"You know Dan-"
"No, Phil."
"You don't need to be so mean to me, friends can't be mean to each other."
"Since when were we friends?"
"All I did was take you to the hospital because you were in the road for some odd reason." I snap.
"You want to know what happened..?" He says solemnly.
"Not particularly."
"Well, I was attacked. By this group of scary men. Well, not really men, I believe they were around my age. It's bullies that harass me all the time. They're so terrible."
"I told you I didn't want to know." I snap.
"I figured you did, considering the curious look in your eyes."
I shake my head. "What curious look?!" I shout, narrowing my eyes in my reflection.
"You're cute, you know." Phil blushes.
I blush lightly, biting my pierced lip in my reflection, avoiding looking at Phil.
"G-get ou-t." I stammer, pointing harshly at the door.
"Okay. I'll see you later, Danny." He says, giggling.
Phil Lester.. My.. Friend? No. He's not my friend.
I'm a jerk to him.
I hate him.
I hate that he's so kind to me. Why can't he be afraid of me like everyone else?
Oh. It's 12:30.. Time for next period..

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