Dropping Out

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"Don't be so stupid, Dan." Phil says, putting a hand on my shoulder.
"No, Phil! You don't get it!" I say angrily.
"You can't drop out of college! That's stupid! You only have 4 years!" Phil shouts.
"I'm not doing what I want to do! Why am I wasting my life in this shithole??" I say storming out of the room.
"You can't throw this all away!! Dan! How will you ever succeed in life?? Dan!" Phil yells, chasing after me.
"Go away, Phil! I hate school! I hate it!" I say, running to my car.
"I'm not letting you do this!" Phil says, banging on my car windows.
"You can't stop me!"
"Dan! Please don't do this."
I start my car.
Phil darts to his blue car beside mine.
We look into each other's eyes.
I give Phil a glare, then drive swiftly out of the parking lot.
Ring ring
"What, Phil?"
"Where the hell do you think you're going?"
"None of your business!"
"I'm not letting this go easily!"
I hang up the phone, turning to the nearest apartment.
Phil parks the car beside me.
"Stop following me!" I shout, spitting through my pierced lip.
"You can't do this.." Phil says softy.
I scrunch my pierced nose in disgust. "Who claimed you were in charge of my fucking life?"
"I just want to repay you for the kindness you've done for me..?"
"Repay me? Psh, stopping me from going to college? That's your idea of repaying me?"
"Yes. If you leave no, you'll ruin your life. Please don't go."
"Don't stop me. I'll deal with the consequences. Let me live my own fucking life, okay?" I say softly.
"Fine.. Good luck. But if you're dropping out.. I will too."
"No, Phil. Don't do that for me!"
"I have to.. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm buying an apartment."
I snarl at the boy and walk in the building, with my hands in my pockets and my head down.
"Hello, boys!" A younger sort of girl says.
"Psh, boys? How old are you, bitch?" I growl.
"I'm 16, dude! How old are you, like 14?"
"I'm 18, he's 22, you cunt."
"So.. Young men.. How may I help you?"

We walk into our apartment that we decided to share. Phil decides to go pick up the stuff we left at our dorms.
I'm alone. With only my cell phone.
So I decide to check my Twitter.
Holy fucking shit, I have thousands of notifications..
Hi, Dan!! We love you! Make another video!
I'll make a video as soon as Phil comes with my stuff.
Maybe we could do an AmazingPhilIsNotOnFire or AmazingDanisnotonfire, something like that I suppose.
I think we should collaborate.
"Hey, Danosaurs! (That's what I call you now) Do you think AmazingPhil and I should collab?" I tweet.
I turn my phone off when I hear Phil pull into the driveway.
"Dan!" He yells from the bottom floor.
I stomp three times, indicating I'm up here.
He opens the door after about 3 minutes of walking up the stairs.
"Have you checked your Twitter lately?" Phil says beaming.
"Yes. I have so many followers!"
"Yes, but that wasn't what I was talking about."
"Then what?" I say pulling out my phone.
"Oh my god!! So many replies!" I say before Phil can say anything reply.
"Wait.. Phan? What the actual fuck?!?" I yell.
"Haha, that's what I was talking about. They're actually shipping us! Oh.. Don't check tumblr or wattpad.. They've written fanfiction.. Or PHANfiction." He giggles.
"Oh god." I giggle.
"So.." Phil says, kicking the floor.
"So, what?" I say, furrowing my pierced brow.
"Do you think.. Uhm.. Phan might actually.. Don't hate me after this.. Do you think.. Phan could.. Be.. Real?" He says, hesitatingly.
"What?" I say, laughing.
"Sorry, that was stupid.." He says, blushing.
"Man, Phan isn't real."
Phil's eyes brighten.
"It could be? One day. But not now. I'm not.. Gay.."
"Oh.. Well.. I'm gay." Phil says.
"Oh.. Nice to know." I wink jokingly.
A blush spreads across his cheeks.
"You're.. Uhm. You're cute." He blushes.
"Heh, thanks, Mr. Awkward."
His face turns bright red.
"You're a hopeless romantic." I giggle.
"So.. You wanna do a video? Like.. Together?"
"Yeah, Phil. That was the plan."
"Great! I'll get things set up!"
I rush to the bathroom, take out my piercings, except for my earrings, and fix my fringe, I hide my arm tattoos by wearing a black sweater.
"Ready, Danny?" Phil shouts.
"Yeah!" I say, running happily to my room.

"Hello, Internet! So.. I'm here today with.. AmazingPhil!"

"Wow! Look at the views!!" I say excitedly.
"Yeah! You're really famous, Dan!" Phil says, bouncing excitedly.
"I'm really proud of you.." He mumbles.
"Why are you proud?" I say, softly smiling.
"You accomplished having a YouTube channel. You're success! But also, I'm proud of you for being yourself instead of putting on this tough-guy act.." He whispers.
I look at him, then look down at my arm tattoos.
"Danny. You don't need to be this way. I've seen a side of you that I really love! You're a kind and wonderful person! Why be this way?"
"It's hard to explain, Phil. But I must be this way.."
"I can't explain it, Phil!"
"Yes you can, you're just afraid to."
I nod, then look down at the slits on my wrists.
"Well.. I was.. Abused as a child. You know, by my dad. My father left us for another woman. I hate people. Everyone judges me. I grew up with a hatred to society. People are terrible, why be nice to a world that is constantly putting you through Hell?" I say sadly.
"Dan.. I-"
"How can you be so nice? So popular? So kind to everyone without hesitation? Don't you worry about their opinions?"
"Dan. The trick to living through this world is being.. Strong. You have to live your life to the fullest for as long as you have it. Kill people with kindness, not with fists or weapons, because people just aren't worth the effort."
I nod, biting back tears.
"It's okay to cry, Dan."
I cry, hard. "Phil. I'm sorry! I'm sorry for the way I treated you. I want to thank you for not giving up on me. For not being scared of me. For being a true friend to me. For being.. My best friend. I love you, Phil."
"Awe Dan.. I love you, too." Phil says, giving me a hug.
"I can't thank you enough.."
"You don't have to.."
I hold him tighter.
"Dan, it's okay. I'll help you through this.'
"Hey Phil?" I say, pulling off of him.
"Can we go to a tattoo parlor to get these removed? I hate these vulgar meaning tattoos." I say, smiling.
"Okay. You want me to take your piercings out?"
"No no no. These are cool. Plus they represent my personality." I giggle.
"Okay. And again, I'm really proud of you."
"Thanks, Phil. Thank you so much.." I say giving him another hug.
"We must go to bed now. It's really late! Another collab tomorrow?"
"Of course, Philly." I giggle.
I lie back on my bed,
"Goodbye, Phil, and goodnight." I say nodding towards the door.
"Fine, you can sleep with me.." I say giggling.
"How'd you know I was gonna say that?" Phil blushes.
"You coming or what?"
Phil lies in my bed, turned away from me.
"Night, Phil."
Wow.. I have a friend.. I am famous.. I'm accepted. I'm loved..
This has been the best thing that's ever happened to me..
I pull out my phone, then turn on MCR, put earbuds in my ears.
Phil groans in his sleep and turns.
He puts his hand on my waist, causing me to blush violently.
"Awwe." I whisper.
He grabs my hip, causing me to have chill bumps on my arms.
He then grabs my bum.
I bite my lip, feeling sort of..
"Phil." I say.
"Sorry." He giggles, turning away.
"I didn't say I didn't like it.." I whisper, putting my pierced lips against his ear.
He grabs my waist, putting my bum against him.
"I love you.." He says, tiredly.
He.. Loves me? Wow.. Uhm..
Okay.. I don't know what to say.. Do I love him, too?
I do.. I truly love him.
He's the only person who accepts and loves me for me.
I drift to sleep, thinking of those words, "I love you.."

(Phan) The Angel With A Black Heart.Where stories live. Discover now