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I arrive, landing face-down onto Hell's fiery floor.
"Argh. What happened? Why was I pulled back in?" I say, angrily.
No answer, just heavy, hot breathing onto my neck.
I quiver in fear, seeing the demon beside me.
I gulp, expecting it to attack me.
Its intense, evil stare into my eyes.
I turn to face it.
I bite back a scream, but simply say,
"What now? What's going to happen? What other torture do you have planned?!"
It bites into my neck.
"Ahhhh!" I scream in agony.

I'm then teleported in my bedroom at my parent's home.
Oh, great. Back to my abusive, terrible parent's house..
I see my younger self, on his bed, crying into his pillow.
I peak outside younger Dan's bedroom door, seeing my parents.
My mum is on the sofa, smoking and crying.
My father is drinking heavily, looking frustrated.
I.. Why don't I remember this?
"Father! Why must I stay in my room?!" Younger Dan says.
"Because I say so, you lonely excuse of a perfect child!" Father says.
Younger Dan doesn't deserve this.. Why am I here?
I walk out of Younger Dan's room, into the living area.
"Why must you be so evil?" I say.
"Okay, voices. That's a cue to take my medicine isn't it?" My mum growls.
"You were crying at my funeral. Why were you so mean as parents?" I say, softly.
"This medicine must not be working.." My mum says, her eyes widening.
"Honey, do you hear Danny?" Father asks.
"Yes, indeed.." Mum says.
"Mummy, why must you smoke?" I say.
"Danny.. How can I hear you?!" Mum asks.
"Why must you be so mean to Danny? He deserves none of that." I say, softly.
"Because he's an awful child." Father says, simply.
"Yeah, I wanted a daughter. Why must I have a son, who is a loner, a bully, with no control?" Mum growls.
I then feel a bullet shoot my head.

I wake up in a familiar room. I wake up in my apartment once again.
I feel things go through me..
I feel..
My heart is going away once again..
I feel as evil as I felt throughout my life...
I feel energy rave through my body..
"What's... Happening?" I whisper.
Aha, you're being.. Reborn. Into Hell's worst demon. You're being corrupted as Hell's slave.. A voice says.
"No! No! I've changed!!"
For Phil, I presume? Just look at what's happened through the 3 weeks you've been gone.. The voice whispers.
My cell phone comes out of my pocket, directed at my face.

"#Phatrific [image attached]" A tweet says, with a picture of Phil at Catrific kissing.
"Hey guys! I'm much happier now. Catrific and I have written a book! We'll be going on tour next month! Click here to buy 'Amazing Catrific online! [Link attached]" A tweet states.

"No.. No.. That can't be true.. What about Phan?? What about AmazingDanisnotonfire? What happened to.. Us?! We were suppose to do YouTube together?! We were suppose to be together forever?! How could he?!" I yell, crying heavily.
He's forgotten you.. Left you here..
"Urrghh, curse that Phil!!" I say, clawing the carpet.
I rush to my mirror, seeing my eyes turn dark.
My eyes are pitch black, then turn this bright yellow demonic color.
I then grow sharp, flesh-eating teeth, and smile demonically.
I give a demonic laugh, loud enough that all of Earth's people may hear.
"MY HEART IS AS DARK AS MY SOUL! I WILL DESTROY YOU, PHIL LESTER!" I say as I painfully grow horns through my forehead.
I then break down my door, still with an evil grin.
"PHIL!!!" I yell, looking up at the ceiling.
Dan.. Where are you? Come on, stop this. A soft voice says.
Danny.. It's me. Phil.. You know that they're doing this to enslave you, right? The voice whispers.
"Phil!!" I scream, ignoring the voice.
I hear pitter-patter of tennis shoes running.
I see Phil's frightened eyes look into mine, then dash off.
"COME BACK HERE, SCUM!" I yell, angrily.
It's no use! The demons have taken over.. Control it! The voice says.
"Get out of my head, Phil." I say, still dashing after the boy.
"GET AWAY FROM ME, DEMON!" Phil cries, "I've done nothing!"
"GET BACK HERE, IDIOT!" I yell, grabbing his shoulder with my sharp claws.
"Who are you? What do you want?" Phil cries.
"What do you mean, 'who am I?'" I say, developing a demonic voice.
"D-Dan?" He says, looking into my eyes.
"Oh, you remember me, now?!" I yell.
"Of course I do. What has happened?"
"Danny?! Wha-"
I then grab his throat and throw him to the ground.
"Don't fucking mess with me.." I say, blood pouring from my mouth.
"Dan! Please!" Phil cries.
"Looks like I can 'hug' you now.." I say, picking him up.
Don't do it, Danny.. Phil's voice hushes again.
"Dan! Stop!"
"You think you can betray me and get away with it?!"
"What are you talking about?!"
"Fuck you! Fuck you and Cat!"
"Me and.. Cat?" He asks, softly.
"Oh, shut up!" I say, biting his arm.
"Ow! Urgh, you've become corrupted, Danny!"
"Oh, I have not!" I say, my voice officially demonic and frightening.
I then collapse on the ground.
I feel my skin burning, turning bright red. I feel my clothes tearing as my body becomes bigger, stronger. My heart becomes cold. My memories have disappeared. I just have a taste for.. Blood.. Death.. And revenge..

"Ahahaa!!" I laugh, demonically.
"Dan! No!" Phil cries.
I growl at him, looking evilly in his blue eyes.
"Danny.. No matter how hideous you are.. How evil you'll become.. I'll still love you. Just the way you are." Phil says, smiling softly.
I growl at him.
He picks up his phone.
"What are you doing?!" I growl demonically at him.
"You know how you let music melt into your soul and envelope onto your brain?" Phil says softly.
I roar demonically at him.
He turns on I Am Not Okay (I Promise) by MCR and puts earbuds in my smallish, demon ears.
The music wraps around my brain, like a Christmas bow.
I feel my claws descending.
I feel my skin become cool.
I feel my eyes originating.
I feel my muscles getting less tense.
I feel my heart leap.
"Danny.. You're back to your beautiful self.." Phil says, softly.
I bite my pierced lip, letting the music hug me like Phil did once before I've passed.
I close my eyes as I let the music kiss me passionately.
The music is my soul..
DANNNNN!! A demonic voice says, causing me to collapse.
I look up at Phil, with tears in his eyes, mute.
The music disappears.
The demons grab me once again.
"Phil.. Help me.." I whisper, closing my eyes in pain.
Phil tries grabbing me, but fails because I'm indeed invisible again.
I open my eyes, my eyeballs pitch black.
"Help me.." I whisper.
"Dan! I-I.."
"Pray for me.. Use the power of God.. Something."
I see him shut his eyes, clasps his hands, and silently pray.

I hear demonic screeches of pain behind me as I'm being pulled under ground.
I close my eyes tightly and start praying myself that this'll all be over soon...
I feel the hands let go of my ankles.
The demons screech one last time before being sucked back down in the deepening pit of Hell, leaving me lying on the ground.
I open my eyes, my eyeballs white again.
I take a breath of fresh air.
"Dan? Are you.. Alive?" Phil whispers.
I reach for my hand.
I'm still dead.
"Afraid not, Phil.." I whisper sadly, my voice echoey and soft again.
"Dan.." Phil says, sobbing gently.

I feel hands on my shoulders. I close my eyes tightly, praying it's not Hell once again.
I see Phil look up in amazement..
I hear soft whispers in my ear.
I soon get lifted up to the sky.
Up to..

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