Fighting My Imagination

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I'm tossing and turning. Thrusting and sweating. Awful images reach my brain in a violent manner.
Dan. None of this is real. You're life has just been made up by this disturbing dream. It's God testing you. Why are you falling for this trick? What's if Phil is actually a demon as well?
I throw myself out of the bed, causing me to roll onto the floor.
I pant and drip with sweat, opening my eyes slowly.
I reach my shaky hand to the door frame, lifting myself up.
I suddenly smell a strong odor.
It's almost like..
I look down onto my carpet.
I look upon my bed.
I feel a sharp pain on my feet,
I look down,
My socks have mysteriously caught on fire.
I cover my mouth, holding back a scream of terror.
"I can put this out, I can put this out." I repeat, rushing to the bathroom connected to my bedroom.
I stick my feet in my bathtub.
I turn on the water, trying to put the fire out.
The fire remains, increasing in size.
I take off my socks, making my hands blister.
My feet are red and blistered,
The fire remains.
I throw my socks in the sink, but suddenly the fire disappears.
I sigh in relief, walking back to my bedroom.
I realize my pant-leg has caught on fire.
I silently scream while trying to smother the fire.
"What caused this?!" I scream.
"Dan? Dan? You awake?" I hear Phil yell, walking to my room.
No matter what I do, the fire won't go away!
The fire spreads to my torso.
"Ahhh!" I scream, feeling my skin blister and melt.
I hear a click, like someone has locked my door.
"Dan?! Dan!" Phil screams, banging on the door.
"Help me! I'm burning!" I scream, the fire spreading to my neck.
"Dan! Dan!" He yells, hitting the door with something tough.
"Phil! Hurry! It's all the way up my neck!"
The fire grows in size, causing my whole body to be on fire.
"Hello?! It's an emergency!" Phil yells on the phone.
"The ambulance and fire department will be here any minute!" Phil yells, breaking down the door.
He panics at the sight of my burning form.
He throws buckets of water on my head.
Only causing the fire to increase in size.
Phil's shirt suddenly catches on fire.
"Ahhhh!!" Phil screams, praying for a miracle.
Suddenly, the ambulance comes into the room along with the fire department, trying to put out the fire.
Eventually, the fire on Phil's shirt disappears.
I still cry at the continuous pain of the long-term fire.
"Someone help me!" I scream.
Then, suddenly, the fire just vanishes.
I fall back on the floor, seeing nothing but blurry faces.
I cough as I lift my arms up, seeing my burnt, melting flesh.
The ambulance lifts me onto a gurney, with Phil by my side
I can barely keep my eyes open, it hurts to even move.

I arrive at the hospital after a short nap.
They push me into a room and put me onto the hospital bed.
They suggest that Phil stays in the waiting room.
"So.. Am I going to be okay?" I mumble painfully.
"I'm not sure, sir. You may need to rest here. Take this." A male nurse says, handing me some medicine.
"What's this?" I say, furrowing my pierced brow, painfully.
"It'll help you relax."
"Yes, it'll make you sleep."
I take the medication and stare at the ceiling.
"What exactly will happen while I'm asleep?"
"We'll perform a simple surgery."
"Surgery?!" I shout, sitting up from my bed.
"Yes, yes. The fire has damaged some of your internal organs. It burned right through you somehow. I may have to ask you to relax. We don't know if you'll make it." The nurse says, pushing me down onto the bed.
I sigh in annoyance and lie on the bed.
"Where's Phil?" I ask.
"In the waiting room. So, how's your vision?"
"Uhm, still normal."
"That's odd."
"You should be asleep by now."
I shrug and turn my head away from the nurse.
He then sticks a needle in my arm.
"Hey, now! I don't want to die from overdose!" I scream, taking the empty needle out of my arm.
"Remain calm." He says.
He gives me an I.V to numb the pain he's going to give me.
"Isn't this enough medicine?" I shout.
"Remain calm." He repeats.
My vision starts getting blurry, I squint hard at the nurse.
I feel sick.
I feel dizzy.
I groan in agony,
Then I fall asleep.

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