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"Hello? Dan? Can I come in? I'd like to apologize." I hear Phil say through my door.
I stay silent and continue looking for something to kill myself with.
"Dan! I'm not letting this go!"
"All you're going to say is that you're sorry! That won't change that we cannot be friends! You said so!"
"Dan! Don't do anything rational!"
"Dan?! Dan!" I hear Phil yell.
I pull out a small pistol I found in my suit case my father gave me when I was a teenager to 'protect myself from the bad people'.
I sob quietly, shut my eyes tightly as I put the pistol against my stomach.
I hear continuous banging at my door.
"Phil. I love you!" I yell.
"Dan! I lo-"
I've shot myself.
It's slow, agonizing pain.
I deserve it.
I deserve all the pain I can give myself.
I'm a bad person, that's why Phil doesn't love me.
"Danny? Danny?!"
I quickly shoot myself in the head.
I feel my skin turn cold.
I have no more control of my muscles.
My lips get as dry as beef jerky left in the sun.
I see blood pour from me as my cries become silenced.
I leave the world with a soft smile.
At least I left the world finally having.. A best friend..
I left..
Loving Phil Lester.
I shut my eyes as I let God take my soul away..
I hear fading screams of Phil crying out my name.

I see nothing but darkness.
Am.. Am I dead?
I am standing in between two worlds.
And Hell.
I walk towards the bright, shining world I presume to be Heaven with a smile of accomplishment.
But soon.
The world becomes dark.
I hear Phil's agonizing screams.
I'm surrounded by images of my past.
My eyes widen when I see Phil.. Standing there..
"Danny! Come give me a hug?" The character says.
No.. This is.. A trap?
This isn't Heaven.. This is.. Hell.
I don't come towards 'Phil', I walk backwards from the character, avoiding the trap.
The character makes Phil's famous puppy-dog eyes.
"Danny? Wait, where are you going?" 'Phil' says, putting 'his' arms down.
I run away from it, run through the terrible world, trying to find a way out of here.
"Danny!!" The character yells, chasing me.
I look behind me, seeing Phil, but not just Phil..
He's transformed into..
A demon.
He has bright, yellow eyes.
Dark, red horns.
Sharp, bloody teeth.
But still, he has the same form of Phil Lester.
"Leave me alone! You aren't Phil!"
"Danny!!" The character yells demonically.
I stop running, collapsing on the in-flamed ground.
"Haha, caught you!" The character says, sweetly.
"Don't hurt me!"
"Oh, Dan. You're so pathetic. That's why we aren't friends.." The character says, with an evil smirk.
I cry, heavily.
The character then jumps on top of me, transforming into a unrecognizable demon of Hell.
"Ahhh!" I scream, as the demon exposes its sharp teeth over my face.
It then transforms into Phil, giving me a hug.

I wake up.
I wake up in the same room I committed suicide in.
What? What happened?
I stand up.
I pull out my cell phone to check my Twitter feed, assuming it was a dream.
"Dan. We miss you! We love you! R.I.P Danisnotonfire" I read my fans tweet.
Wait, what?
I then read Phil's tweets.
"Dan died today. He committed suicide on my behalf. I took him to the hospital, realizing that he was already dead. It took a lot to find him. I found him in his locked room, dead. I had to break down some doors to get to him. #RIPDanisnotonfire I'm so sorry, Dan. I love you." I read.
If I'm dead.. Why am I here?
I step back, trying to feel my surroundings.
I trip over something.
I look down, seeing a puddle of blood.
I see my pistol.
"Come to Dan's funeral tonight at 6pm at the ****** Funeral Home. #RIPDanisnotonfire" I read Phil tweet.
Okay, what time is it, now?
Okay, it's 4pm, two hours. I can go to my funeral to understand fully what's going on here.
For now, I'll explore the internet and see the #RIPDanisnotonfire edits and tweets.
I search for my laptop. Phil has taken most of my belongings to I'm assuming storage, until I find my laptop left on my bed with a note on it.

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