one two three viva algerie.

228 19 48

😌 ello.

I got tagged :D

•Name a couple of foods you hate?

- Avocados, porridge, blended soups, dowara (sheep's stomach), bozalouf (sheep's head LOL)

•Your full name?


•Which country do you live in?

-Algeria, right beside Morocco and Tunisia.

•words or phrases you tend to use alot?

-"WOIIII" | "Kochu paleo" | "My name is Hyunaaaaa" | "Anal hole\ black nipple" XD

•Name three goals you want to achieve.

-Learn Korean, travel to Asia, be a professional photographer.

• Phobias? Fears?

- Oh my God yes. Dogs, horror movies. I have a serious, serious phobia to dogs, I past out once when one jumped on me. Lol.

•Things you are not scared of?

-Earthquakes, heights...

•Tag four people you love dearly, and write a small note to each of them.

- I tag my Bae Aisha, because she is such a beautifully sassy hoe, I just love her. She's like the sis I never had. Oh and Aisha...WOIIIIII.

I tag RaeBaeTattyBoo lmao coz she's my bestie, love her to bits and I don't intend on loosing her ‘hora’ ass anytime soon.

I tag my wifey because she's my wife and the soon to be mother of my future kids. JOKING. she's a strong girl and I love her so much.

I tag Raven, because she is my baby child, and I would be a terrible mother if I didn't love my own child, she's precious... No joke. 😘 love you Ravvie.

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