My first accomplishment of the year

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Hi! Recently I’ve been obsessed with trying to learn how to make book covers and I can tell you one thing for certain, I ain’t no graphic designer. After loads of asking around I met these three extremely talented girls and practically begged them for help lol.




[Check out their graphics and books too, these girls are totally daebak :')]

They really helped me, and I actually tried to make a couple of covers using their useful advise. Unfortunately the covers didn’t turn out how like I had in mind, lol, I’m not too good at it yet.

Since I find it really hard to place a photo on a background, for some odd reason. So I use plain white which isn’t that practical since it then looks bland and empty. Although here are a couple I’ve been trying to make ‘work’.

No laughing, I totally know that they are crappy. XD


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Probably I don’t know how to add the suited fonts either XDDD, it’s harder than I thought lol

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Probably I don’t know how to add the suited fonts either XDDD, it’s harder than I thought lol. Let me know how I can improve guys, I would love to hear your honest feedback. It’s fine if you think they suck ass [which they do]  just let me know honestly!

Byeeee. 🔥♥🔥♥🔥♥

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