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Tagged by @sofie_kpop22

Hi!  I got tagged, thanks Sofia ;) but mind if I ask something, lol, I noticed that the questions you asked me were very similar to that she posted when she was tagged....but maybe I'm wrong lol.

So here it goes. :)

1: What is your birth date?

- 31st of December, 2000

2: Favourite colour.

- Black like my rotting soul.

3: Someone you currently miss.

- Galaxy_FanFan247

4: Favourite subject.

- Hmmm. Lol, nothing? XDD

5: Favourite drama/movies

- The Heirs and the Big Bang Theory

6: Are you out going or shy?

- Ah! I know I seem outgoing online, but I'm actually a naturally shy person...well more like socially awkward too haha. But I actually don't know too, depends on the people around me.

7: If you had a chance, what would you like to change on yourself?

- I really don't know :/ good question though, deep too. So deep Adele could keep rolling in it for life.

8: if you could be any idol for one day, whom will you choose and why?

- Definitely Ailee, because she's my queen and I absolutely love her will all of my heart #Aileewannabe. Because I adore her confidence and beauty and perfect personality. She's someone I really look up to.

9: Do you have any nicknames?

- Yup, unfortunately. First of all, Lasha lol I swear it's all Rae and I get called Satan alot my friends. So Lasha and Satan by my friends in RAEnee Ent and MarryBarry by my family. XDD

10: Which song relaxes you the most:

- How Much Love Do You Have In Your Wallet. By Park Yu Chan. I love that song and the MV made me weep buckets lol I don't even know why, it just touched me so much. 😭

11: Where would you like to spend holidays?

- Korea and Dubai! ♥

12: Do I believe in love at first sight?

- Yes, I do. I never did though, until I layed eyes on a certain boy that is my everything and realised that it was true.

13: Which word describes you the most?

- Probably weird. Lol.


Omo, I had fun writing this out and answering the questions. Some of them made me really close my eyes and think. Especially the love one.

I hope you were satisfied with this and don't be shy to tag me again. :) Gomawoyo chingu. Saranghae♥

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