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Tagged by my beautiful boo: abigail_lavender12

10 random facts about me~

1: I have this weird fetish thing, that when a guy raises his voice (shouts), I get tingly all over and shiver. XD

2: I have only dated once in my entire life.

3: My favourite colours are burgundy and black.

4: My parents have no idea I love Kpop, have online friends and publish stories. I would be dead if they knew.

5: If I get angry with you I have a tendency to lash out furiously and you may go back home with a split lip and a black eye.

6: I've been in thousands of cat fights. XD don't judge me I'm actually gentle when I'm not pushed past my limits.

7: Even though I speak Arabic as a second language, I'm still pretty bad at it because I can't be bothered to learn it.

8: I have a very low level of self esteem and have no confidence in myself. Body issues and everything.

9: I hate tomato sauces (pasta sauce) but adore ketchup. How is that even possible?

10: I love laughing and having cheerful people around me.

So imma tag 4 hoes to do dis tag wiz me.

HEY_ITS_ME_CHIMCHIMou're amazing.

SOY__UN__DORITO   My child that I never hear from anymore.

kyungsoorbet  Yo sorbet~

ThatKpopLover__   Idk I love you.

Thanks for tagging me, love chu~

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