The Lost Girl

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I saw her one day, in the mirror. She stared back at me curiously, looking straight into my eyes. I couldn't say I recognised her at all, with dark brown eyes that were lifeless yet were begging to escape from this way of living.

I could only stare back helplessly — my body being paralysed under her hypnotising gaze. Eventually she sighed in defeat, turning away and vanished into the clear glass.

My mind was blank the day I met her again, I watched her silently from my spot in the corner. She was drowning in a pool of nothing. Her shivering body desperately thrashing around in a large emtpy basin, hot salty tears endlessly spilled from her eyes.

She needed help.

Screams, cries and pleads escaped past her pale lips, yet the sounds were hallow to my ears, I just sat there watching in thought.

As her numbed hands came up to grasp on an invisible object to help her up, a sudden gust of air blew by, it was barely grazing my skin but to my surprise — the gentle current of wind pushed her further down into the bath, forcing her under the emptiness.

All I feared that one day, this loneliness would swallow her up.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

My eyes flickered back forth, following the thin hand on the clock as it ticked away merrily. I was alone in a damp room with green mould crawled out sickeningly around me. As the stuffy air grew thicker, my eyes drooped and there I sat, watching the clock until I fell asleep.

There was no sign of life in between the four walls now.

It was just a dead girl and the time going by.

Lmao just because I was in that mood of expressing my deepest and darkest emotions. Kill me, bitches.

I swear I'm not crazy.

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