Nice Meet You, Babe.

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So this is my first Deadpool x Reader. So, if you could humor me that would be awesome. If I don't get his personality right please tell me. Thanks fam!!!! Enjoy yourselves.


You stretched as you looked around your room.

"New day." You whispered to yourself. There was a sudden knock on the door. You got up and went for the door. Out of habit you look through the peep whole. Who ever it was had their hand over the peep whole. You ran to your room and got your Glock and put it behind your back. You opened the door cautiously to see a man in a suit. You looked at him and smiled.

"Can I help you?" He smiled. He shifted his weight and started to talk.

"You are (Y/N), correct." You nodded.

"Well S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to see you." He took off his glasses and you immediatley knew who he was.


"That's my name."

"Why do they want me?" You ask curiously.

"How about Fury tells you that?" You nodded and followed him out. "Um, why don't you put on your street clothes instead of you're PJ's?" You blushed and ran back into your apartment and put on a Deadpool tank, black skinny jeans, and red and black Jordans. You walked out and locked your door.

"You ready to g----- What the heck are you wearing?"

You rolled your eyes. "What does it look like?"

"You look like a Deadpoool groupie." You scoffed.

"Can we just go, Iron Man?" You said sarcastically. He smirked as you both walked out of the apartment building. He helped you get into his fancy car, he was being suprisingly polite. You smiled as nicely as you could without saying something mouthy. Your whole drive there Tony was blarring AC/DC, and Black Sabath-Iron man. (How ironic right?) When you got to S.H.I.E.L.D. you quickly ran to the doors and ran to Fury's office and barged in.

"Hello (Y/N), so how was the drive here." You bent over and caught your breathe before answering.

"Dreadful." He chuckled.

"Well, I have a little mission for you." You nodded as you straightned up again.

"Yeah, what is it?" He sighed and got up, heading for the window.

"You need to save a Merc."

"What Merc?" You knew S.H.E.I.LD. took in some Mercs but only when they really needed them.

"Deadpool, aka---"

"Wade Wilson?!" You said a little too excited.

"Ok, so you are a big fan." That's when he took a look at you. "Should have guessed. So will you take it?"

"Hell yeah........ I-I mean yeah sure." He smiled. You stood there awkwardly.

"Go!" He pointed at the door. You jumped at his tone and ran out the door.


You got your equitement grenades, AR 15's, Desert Eagles, and packs of C4. You walked out side and there was Batman.

"Hey, Bruce." You smiled.

"SHH!!!" He warned.

"Oh, please." You scoffed. You got into the Bat mobile and waited for him to get in. He started the car and drove down the street. He studied you before speaking.

"You're wearing that to your job?" You looked at you outfit, the one you put on this morninng, and looked back at him.

"Hey at least I don't look like an over grown cat." He growled, deciding to be quite for the rest of the ride. Once you got there, you jumped out of the car and ran to the front. You imediatley got a grenade and pulled the pin with your mouth throwing it at the door. It blew the door to smithereens, letting you walk in easily. There were guns being shot at you but you rose your hand and they stopped on your command. You squeezed your hand into a fist and the bullets fell to the ground. You pulled out an AR 15 and shot at the stupid guards. You saw one was still somewhat alive and picked him up.

"Where's Deadpool?!" He started at you in horror.

"T-top floor." You smiled, as you pointed a desert eagle at his head. "Drown in hell, scum bag." You pulled the trigger, but it didn't do anything. "Oops, my bad." The gun was on safety. As you studied it you pulled out a dagger with the other hand, and stabbed him in the neck. You walked to the elevator and walked in. You pushed the button for the top floor. You waited patiently as the elevator played boring music.

"Days go, days go by,

I won't die, I won't die,

Cause I must, I must try Forever!!!" You sang trying to get rid of the boring music. Finally the elevator stopped and you ran out. (Sound like a movie to you? Lol...) You ran into many stupid soldiers an shot them down immediatley. When you got to the big dungoen like door you blasted it with another grenade. The door was blasted to smithereens. You stepped through the door to see Deadpool on a lab table with a lazer like thing pointing at him. There was no one in there so you went for him.

"Who are you, Hot Stuff?" He asked pevertedly.

"My name is (F/N), (L/N)." You could see the smile under his mask.

"Nice to meet you, Babe." You smiled like a maniac.

'Maybe being a Merc like him isn't so bad.'

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