Boom 2

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Sorry guys I have been been so busy with final exams that I haven't been able to update I'm really sorry!!!! Stupid internet and final exams!!!


"Deathstroke, don't look at him pay attention to me! Remember we were in a fight!" You yelled. He snapped his head to you.

"Yes you're right."

You smile. "I'm always right." He chuckled.

"You are cocky for some one about to die."

You fell to the ground in laughter. "You are so hilarious, you should have been a comedian!" He growled and lunged for you. All of a sudden That's the Sprit by Bring Me the Horizon started to play. It just got your blood going. You looked around.

"Where's that song coming from." Deathstroke asked. You pointed to the ceiling.

"It's the writer."

"What?" You rolled your eyes.

"You're to old to understand." You looked behind you to see Deadpool jamming out to the song. (I was actually listening to this song when I was writing this.) You turned around just in time to see him coming at you with a punch. You grabbed his fist and put him in an arrest submission. You slammed in to the concrete floor. You put your knees on his shoulders and held his head.

"You give up?"


You smiled deviously. "Good." You snapped his neck and he went limp. "Deadpool let's go before he wakes up!" He nodded and you guys ran out.

"Can I blow it up?" He asked.

"Yeah, go ahead." He squealed like a child that got candy and ran to the outer wall and placed bombs all over the place. He ran back and smiled.

"Let's go!" He pushed the button on his remote and the whole thing went BOOM! Your ears rang as you both ran as far away as you could. He was so happy to get to blow it up. You smiled at his enthusiasm.

'He's a keeper.'


So hey guys sorry about the wait and hope you enjoy!!! 

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