Amnesia- Chapter 1

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"You? No offense, but I didn't even know he knew your name!" Nicole said, her tone, a mixture of awe and shock.

"I didn't know he did either. Lord, half of my teachers don't even know my name. But it happened! God, I still have tingles." I replied, with a giddy smile.

"Wow! Bella and Austin. Going on a date! Who'd've thought?" She chimed back. I could tell she was excited for me, and I was too.

Nicole was really my only friend. Yeah, I had classmates I could talk to, but it was really only Nicole. Probably because I am extremely antisocial, and stay in the shadows. I've never been noticed by any of the popular cliques or anything of the sort. I'm the back round extra in a movie.

So the pleasant Tuesday that Austin Kirk asked me out on a date, came as a shock to both Nicole and I.

What a shame that we didn't live to see the day.


"Bella? Bella, can you hear me?" A faint voice shoved its way into my mind, pushing me into consciousness. A sharp pain pressed against my entire body, my eyes unable to take in my surroundings due to a fuzziness that blinded me. I tried to lift my arm to reach out to my forehead, but I could not lift it. I couldn't feel it. Was it even there?

"Isabella, can you see me? Do you know where you are?" The voice called again, louder this time. The fuzziness lifted from my vision and it brought the bright light of the room, blinding me again.

It hurt to look out, to lift my head, to even open my mouth. But once I regained eyesight I managed to try.

"Whe-Where am I?" The words scraped out of my dry mouth. I could barely say them. My brain pounded with pain, and my heartbeat became audible in my ears.

"You are in the hospital. Do you know why? Do you know my name?" She asked, slowly, but urgently at the same time.

I couldn't process her questions yet, and could only make out the word, "Water,"

I heard her get up, but I kept repeating it, "Water. W-Water." Finally, I saw her figure return with a pitcher and a glass half filled with water. She put the cup to my mouth and tipped slowly, I sipped. I wanted to take my hand and push it further so I could get more, but I still couldn't feel it. I made a slight moaning noise as if to beg for more water and she tipped it further. I just gulped away. I don't know how long I've been asleep here but I was obviously dehydrated.

When my throat and mouth were quenched enough to speak, I spoke. "What am I doing here? How did I get here?"

"Isabella, you were brought here. You were in an accident. Do you remember it?" She said, softly. She kept perfect eye contact with me, which made me nervous as to what lay beneath my blanket.

"What, like, a car accident?" I started. I had no idea who I was even talking to. My neck felt too stiff to look at my body, or to even look around. It was tilted only so it could see her.

"Not exactly. Isabella, I need to know what you remember. What is the last thing you remember before you woke up here with me?"

"Nothing," I started to get anxious, "Do I have parents? Where are they? What type of accident was I in? Who the hell are you?"

She put a hand on my shoulder (From what it looked like, hell, i'm just thankful I have a shoulder) and tried to calm me. "Okay, Isabella, calm down. You parents aren't here. My name is Nurse Jennifer. I've been treating you for the past month and a half. You were a survivor of an explosion, taking down an entire museum. Do you remember?"

I started to panic. "No I don't. Where is everybody else? Who else survived?"

She looked to the floor, then back to me. "Isabella, you are the only one who lived."

(A/N:) Hey guys! this is the start of my first short story. What do you think of it? Will post more soon! Hope yall like it though (:

Also i would like to dedicate this story to my dearest friend Melissa(: Hope you like it!

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